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<藝伎回憶錄>演員: 章子怡, 鞏利, 楊紫瓊, 渡邊謙 等導演: Rob Marshall (Chicago)*****************************************好高興!! 又見偶像渡邊謙!!因為看早場所以只有小貓兩三隻, 心......(詳全文)
發表時間:2005-12-20 23:23 | 人氣:450 | 回應:0
”Memoirs of a Geisha” by Arthur GoldenThis book was published in 1997. But it was until the year 2000 that I came across it on the shelf of a bookstore. I bought the paperback ed......(詳全文)
發表時間:2005-12-15 02:57 | 人氣:269 | 回應:0

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