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When I saw this book on the shelf at Indigo last month, I couldn't resist it. On the cover it says "The novel of England", and that was enough for me. I bought it right away and be......(詳全文)
發表時間:2010-01-03 06:17 | 人氣:308 | 回應:0
抛開令人失望的"Warlock", 拿起Bernard Cornwell這本只有四百多頁的"Azincourt"來看, 頓時被極具個性的主人翁Nicholas Hook吸引, 馬上就進入情況, 跟著這位1415年英國特有的長弓箭手前進法國Azi......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-12-15 04:59 | 人氣:904 | 回應:1
Wilbur Smith的埃及系列第三集已經不再只是歷史小說, 本來就十分完美到有點令人難以想像的TAITA, 在這一集裏更升極成了無所不能的巫師, 而且可能上百歲,  他受到法老和埃及境内境外人民的尊......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-11-26 02:33 | 人氣:505 | 回應:0
Chapters書店上星期推出一年一度買三本書送一本促銷活動。有會員卡還可以再打九折。我帶著放了暑假的JJ和小妹妹一共跑了3次,各自都抱了一堆書回家。我手上隨時准備著一張 To be Read 書單,這次......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-07-03 04:02 | 人氣:382 | 回應:0
這是一個會令人想一口氣看完的愛情故事!Warner Brothers 已買下電影版權正在籌拍此書改編的電影真是令人期待!**********************************************”PS, I Love You”by Cecelia Ahe......(詳全文)
發表時間:2006-06-10 12:20 | 人氣:279 | 回應:0
”Memoirs of a Geisha” by Arthur GoldenThis book was published in 1997. But it was until the year 2000 that I came across it on the shelf of a bookstore. I bought the paperback ed......(詳全文)
發表時間:2005-12-15 02:57 | 人氣:269 | 回應:0

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