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2010-09-29 02:32:46| 人氣1,283| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Loving Mr. Darcy: 床戲, 完了沒有啊?

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Bad, bad, and bad.

Loving Mr. Darcy: Journeys Beyond Pemberley (by Sharon Lathan) 是目前最令我失望的一本書, 也是最後悔買的原價書. 它有精美的封面, 厚實的感覺, 價貴但當時是憑著一股對傲慢與偏見的熱情, 没有先在書店讀它幾頁就衝動的買下, 等到真的開始閱讀才知道, 慘了! 幾乎整本都是達西和伊麗莎白的床上活動, 確實的肥皂劇, 花錢在我最不愛看的肥皂劇, 心疼呀!

達西在書里是十足的紳士, 對伊麗莎白呵護備至. 完美到簡直無趣至極! 他同時也有無止盡的精力, 每分每秒就只想黏在伊麗莎白身邊. 伊麗莎白也一樣熱情如火, 時時刻刻想著如何取悦達西. 書中床戲無數, 我常常跳過這些部份,  因為太多了, 重覆描寫, 沒什麼趣味. 故事情節平淡無奇, 達西和伊麗莎白之間除了說一堆"我的心屬於你"之類的肉痲話, 就是做愛做的事. 是我最不喜歡的傲慢與偏見續集. 雖然手邊還有另一本續集, 但我已經對這些續集失去信心, 決定先將其束之高閣, 打入冷宮.

So, 這是一本不值得花錢花時間的書, don't bother.

Book description from Amazon.ca:

Darcy and Lizzy venture away from Pemberley to journey through England, finding friends, relatives, fun, love, and an even deeper and more sacred bond along the way.

Having embarked on the greatest adventure of all, marriage and the start of a new life together, now the Darcys take the reader on a journey through a time of prosperity, enjoyment, and security. They experience all the adventures of travel, with friends
and relatives providing both companionship and complications, and with fun as their focus.

The sights and sounds, tastes and flavors of Regency England come alive. Through it all, Darcy and Lizzy continue to build a marriage filled with romance, sensuality, and the beauty of a deep, abiding love.

(Photo taken from Amazon.ca)

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蠻有趣的 我第一次知道有人會拿珍奧斯丁傳世名著來寫續集 倒也是一個出路

如果是我 想要把情節搞太大轉折 可能沒有那個膽子 (例如說誰誰死了或達西和Liz離婚了) 只好寫些沒營養的小波折和愛愛的事吧
2010-09-30 12:32:30
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