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2006-03-20 07:12:06

St-Patrick’s Parade!

Happy St-Patrick’s Day! St-Patrick’s Day is actually on March 17th. But the annual parade is held today (Sunday). This year is J’s first St-Patrick’s Parade. Although the whether is cold, ab...

2006-03-17 07:35:42


我居住的 Quebec 省是全世界最大的楓樹糖出產地 每年三月初至四月底是採集楓樹糖的季節 此時最盛行的活動就是全家大小出發前往出產楓樹糖的郊區農場餐廳大吃一頓! Menu 有傳統煎蛋, 火腿, 香腸佐以楓糖漿 a...

2006-02-25 01:46:04

渡邊謙 Interview!

One devoted Ken-Fan on the IMDb board posted this new interview of Ken Watanabe. It is about the movie "Memoirs of a Geisha." Very interesting. He is so cute when answering the question about being en...

2006-02-07 00:48:37


今早經過 Place-des-Arts 地鐵站, 不遠處傳來一陣男性洪量飽滿的歌聲 通常我對站駐地鐵裡的流動音樂家不會多加注意 今天卻大大不同! 我不但給他扔了銅板, 還跑去跟他說話! 因為他當時唱的歌太讓我驚喜了! 我...

2006-02-01 03:33:52

DVD: Kikujiro 菊次郎之夏

主演:北野武/關口雄介/岸本加世子/グレ-ト義太夫 導演:北野武 享譽國際日本導演〔北野武〕; Released in 2000****************************************這是一部挺溫馨的電影九歲十分孤獨的Masao想念從未謀面...

2006-01-10 11:00:53


在唐人街買到一磅 $1.99 的栗子 (台幣約 $54?), 又大又漂亮. 回家趕緊將栗子鋪上烤盤, 加上淺淺一層清水, 將烤箱溫度設至華氏350度, 烤大約一小時後就有香噴噴的栗子可以吃了! 在寒冬裡吃剛烤好的栗子, 溫暖又清香...

2006-01-07 06:16:35


I just received ”Memoirs of a Geisha--A Portrait of the Film” from an online bookstore.It is a beautiful hardcover book of 144 pages; including 147 great full-color pictures from the film.This book ...

2005-12-30 09:44:30

DVD: Hostage

我看的是英文版, 不確定台灣怎麼翻譯這部片名, 只好借用香港版片名... 劇情非常緊湊, 故事性很強, 我覺得是滿不錯的娛樂片 (如果對接連而至的暴力血腥場面不反感, 又不介意死人太多的話...) 如果不是晚上沒事陪...

2005-12-25 01:20:40


原本我很遲疑該不該再去看一次, 怕感覺和第一次相同. 後來實在禁不住”再看一次渡邊謙”的誘惑, 仍是買了票看早場, 算是送自己的聖誕禮物吧!第二次看, 我的心情比較平靜, 反而更能進入情境, 更加欣賞每個演員的演技....

2005-12-20 23:23:55

電影: Memoirs of A Geisha 藝伎回憶錄

<藝伎回憶錄>演員: 章子怡, 鞏利, 楊紫瓊, 渡邊謙 等導演: Rob Marshall (Chicago)*****************************************好高興!! 又見偶像渡邊謙!!因為看早場所以只有小貓兩三隻, 心情還是很興奮的!這本...

2005-12-15 02:57:46

Book: Memoirs of a Geisha

”Memoirs of a Geisha” by Arthur GoldenThis book was published in 1997. But it was until the year 2000 that I came across it on the shelf of a bookstore. I bought the paperback edition right away and...

2005-12-11 06:10:39


在IMDb discussion board 知道這消息, I was very surprised! It was totally unexpected and there was absolutely no signs or reports that indicated he was dating again after he got divorced earlier thi...

2005-11-15 23:44:55


終於下雪啦! 不過這第一場雪是濕雪, 細細軟軟像綿綿冰, 所以不會成為積雪. 早上, 女兒萬分興奮地追著雪花, 細密的雪覆蓋在路邊的車上, 落葉也似鋪了一層細白糖, 我沒戴帽, 女兒笑我的滿頭”白髮.” 真的, 加...

2005-11-15 01:11:28


Saturday, Nov. 12. SANTA CLAUS PARADE The Christmas season has officially begun here in Montreal! I took my almost-five-year-old daughter to watch our very first Santa Claus Parade in Dowtown Mo...

2005-11-12 01:47:15

電影: Ikiru (To Live)

Ikiru (To Live)--1952 Director: Akira Kurosawa 黑澤明 Cast: Takashi Shimura (Kanji Watanabe) Nobuo Kaneko (Mitsuo Watanabe, Kanji’s son) 這部片主角是志村喬(飾演渡邊). 獨自面對癌症的他只...

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