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2005-11-04 03:34:28


我愛秋 加拿大短短的夏天過去了, 萬聖節前後正是秋意最濃時; 楓樹開始展現它們多采多姿的顏色. 風吹 葉落 另一個清晨 一棵棵蛻變中的樹 再也留不住生命已到盡頭的葉 就讓葉落吧 讓它們隨風舞 隨風奔 靜...

2005-10-31 11:06:41


這次萬聖節女兒要扮小公主! 他們小學四歲班 (pre-school) 和幼稚園 (kindergarten) 五歲班要在學校開party! 今天帶著她做 last minute shopping, finally 選到她鍾意的小公主服裝; 純白及膝有點像花童, 連我也十分喜...

2005-10-28 23:45:33


每次在報章上看到虐童的事件, 眼淚都會不由自主的掉下來; 或許是自己有個可愛的四歲女兒, 所以會對這些受凌虐幼童的遭遇特別同情. 狠心的保母甚至爸爸媽媽長輩家人居然能下得了重手虐待孩童, 這些人還算是人嗎? ...

2005-10-26 22:48:10

Book: The Crazed 《瘋狂》

”The Crazed” by Ha Jin***************************This is the first time I read Ha Jin’s work. I picked this novel because I was very curious about this award-winning Chinese writer who writes in En...

2005-10-22 02:59:36

電影: Finding Neverland 小飛俠前傳之魔幻童心

Finding Neverland -- 小飛俠前傳之魔幻童心 Director: Marc Forster Johnny Depp是我非常欣賞的演員. 所以選看這部片 (DVD) 感動得哭了很多次. Johnny Depp飾演的劇作家James M. Barrie給了我許多啟發, ...

2005-10-22 02:53:43

電影: Constantine 魔界行者

CONSTANTINE ──《魔界行者》 導演:法蘭西斯羅倫斯 Director: Francis Lawrence 熬夜和老公看了這部片, 還好沒讓我失望. 原本就蠻喜歡 Keanu Reeves. 大概看得太用心了, 加上精彩的特效, 害我一晚睡不...

2005-10-21 01:21:25

渡邊謙 Happy Birthday!

October 21 is 渡邊謙 Ken Watanabe’s 46th birthday. 今天要祝福他生辰快樂! 演藝事業更上一層樓! 更不要忘了照顧身體喔! 自從看了電影"末代武士"後渡邊謙就成了我的偶像! 渡邊謙 has recently been sele...

2005-10-18 02:19:32

加拿大人 (1) -- 小故事

在報上讀到這篇短文, 覺得很有意思:我們是這裡的主人 (摘錄自華僑新報 “移民之窗”)“一個商店解雇了一位店員, 因為他違反了店規, 去和一個搶劫商店的人搏鬥. 這個商店在加拿大有許多分店, 商店發言人說: 僱員的生命...

2005-10-11 23:55:11

渡邊謙 Ken Watanabe on Time Cover

Today--October 11, is my birthday. October 21 is Ken’s birthday (he will be 46). Ken’s picture on the cover of the October issue of Time (Japanese edition) is the first fantastic B-day present...

2005-10-05 02:30:39


Here are the top 50 books loved by Canadians:1. The Da Vinci Code--Dan Brown2. Pride and Prejudice--Jane Austen3. To Kill a Mockingbird--Harper Lee4. Gone with the Wind--Margaret Mitchell5. The Lord o...

2005-09-30 01:45:17

Book: The Historian

”The Historian” -- by Elizabeth Kostova (Little Brown & Company; 06/2005)If you are a history fan and also interested in the legend of Dracula, you should not miss this book. I do not know if th...

2005-09-30 00:49:52


MOE SUM CHI-KUNG:無心氣功 此簡易氣功乃我的師父經過二十多年身體力行, 實驗出來最適合忙碌現代人的練習法. 以下是他的一些說明: Moe Sum Chi-Kung is a simple breathing exercise to help you achieve ulti...

2005-09-30 00:48:56

Book: Samurai William

Samurai William—the adventurer who unlocked Japan ~ by Giles MiltonThis is by far the most fascinating history book I have read.It tells an incredible story of the Englishman William Adams’life in J...

2005-09-30 00:46:24

National Anthem

If anyone is interested in knowing more about Canada and its history, you can check this official website: http://www.pch.gc.ca/index_e.cfm It was in 1994 I and my family became Canadian citizens. ...

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