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WILBUR SMITH 古埃及系列第二冊。故事發生在現代,雖然不算歷史小說,但延續上一冊,描述年輕美麗的埃及考古學家和英俊勇敢的英國貴族尋找四千年埃及女王奴隸TAITA耗盡十多年建築的法老陵墓。這......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-11-02 06:31 | 人氣:2771 | 回應:0
作者:WILBUR SMITH這本六百多頁的書敘述四千多年前古埃及王朝女王 LOSTRIS 和她的將軍情人 TANUS 的故事。敘述故事的人是 LOSTRIS 的閹人奴隸 TAITA。LOSTRIS 嫁給法老之後,上通天文,下通地理......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-10-20 03:28 | 人氣:1564 | 回應:0
發表時間:2009-09-25 03:28 | 人氣:355 | 回應:0
I am saddened actually that I finished reading Bernard Cornwell's Warlord Trilogy. The trilogy contains "The Winter King", "Enemy of God" and "Excalibur". I am sad because of the t......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-09-08 01:10 | 人氣:730 | 回應:0
"The Winter King" is my first experience of Bernard Cornwell's storytelling. This is the first book of trilogy about the British warlord Arthur in the 5th century AD.Historians hav......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-08-10 02:15 | 人氣:931 | 回應:0
This is the third book of Conn Iggulden's Conqueror series. Here is a description of the book from Amazon:"Genghis Khan has united the warring tribes and even taken his armies agai......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-07-23 12:36 | 人氣:350 | 回應:0
Ihave finished this book for a few days now. It was a fascinating readand some scenes are sure to stick with you for a while. This book isabout Vlad Dracula. Not about Bram Stoker'......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-06-18 00:45 | 人氣:348 | 回應:0
終於看完 CONN IGGULDEN 的《LORDS OF THE BOW》。這是成吉思汗系列的第二本。(第一本是前面提過的WOLF OF THE PLAINS)《LORDS OF THE BOW》寫的是鐵木真征服聯合所有蒙古部落,自稱“成吉思汗......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-04-04 03:13 | 人氣:304 | 回應:0
當初找來這本書看是因為太喜歡SHOWTIME的THE TUDORS影集(官方網址http://www.sho.com/site/tudors/home.do),想多了解都英國都鐸王朝亨利八世与他6個老婆的故事。“THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL” 讓......(詳全文)
發表時間:2009-04-01 02:36 | 人氣:813 | 回應:2
”The Crazed” by Ha Jin***************************This is the first time I read Ha Jin’s work. I picked this novel because I was very curious about this award-winning Chinese wri......(詳全文)
發表時間:2005-10-26 22:48 | 人氣:194 | 回應:0
”The Historian” -- by Elizabeth Kostova (Little Brown & Company; 06/2005)If you are a history fan and also interested in the legend of Dracula, you should not miss this book.......(詳全文)
發表時間:2005-09-30 01:45 | 人氣:207 | 回應:0

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