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2010-03-02 21:59:38| 人氣189| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

My Break On the Way

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Three months into the job, I've resigned myself that it's a strictly project-oriented kind of deal. I gave my shot trying to get more involved with the organization, but I guess I'm stuck with what I was assigned to. Independent and literally free of interaction with others, the project has a downside. It's made me a loner more or less. Even though that's part of my personality mix, I don't enjoy acting like one. 

At this point in my life, I don't place that much emphasis on interpersonal relations at the workplace. Of course this is not my intention. It's just something I have to live with, like it or not. I am hoping as I am getting familiar with what  I do, I'll get better at expressing myself. I'm glad the sign is looming, and I need to be as articulate as I could be. I used to be the one most of my co-workers looked up to and depended upon. I have to get some feel back one of these days.

Another board meeting is coming up soon. I have to get well prepared to present my thoughts. Whatever their reactions will be, I'm at least responsible for myself. This is some sort of second chance. There is no way I'll blow it. I simply won't allow it.


台長: fine_flat
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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