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2009-12-16 23:36:39| 人氣270| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

My First Two Weeks at the New Job

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Have been out of work for a year, I finally landed on a job on Dec. 1. It was not from one of those job-hunting websites, but referred to me by K (go figure the scarcity of matching). Though underpaid and completely unaware of what's in store, I took it (as if I had other choice) and hoped to make something out of it.

One week later, I attended the first board meeting, which was a shock in a way. One of the board members who happened to be the founding president responded sharply after my presentation of the project assigned. "What if the board rejects the project and what happens to the person you hired?" he said. I am sure the two founders didn't expect it coming like this. Therefore, one of them replied that the hiring is on a one-year basis, which was true. But it was not pleasant to hear T say it in front of everybody.

Both later explained to me the dynamics of the board and how it progressed over the years. They wanted to assure me that my relationship with the organization could be longer if my performance was more than satisfactory. C even said if the project didn't work out, I could be doing something else if I wished. Of course the precondition was that I was competent.

I guess one year is not a bad time-frame for the two parties. For my part, I will certainly do my best, trying to be as responsible as possible. The rest is up to them. Frankly I never expected I have to prove myself at 40 something. But that's the way it is; take it or leave it I suppose.

As the saying goes, "Dream as if you will live forever, live as if you will die today." I am in control of my fate. I will pay attention to what others say but not as much as I used to. Embrace the change and be grateful for what I have. No transition problem so far. 

台長: fine_flat
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全站分類: 工作甘苦(工作心得、創業、求職)

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