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∮Pink Floyd~The Wall∮

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∮Pink Floyd~The Wall∮

  遙想當年醉心於搖滾樂的盛況,自每週日下午一點至六點守候著ICRT傾聽Billboard 的Top 40,預測著搖滾樂的脈動,當然,剛出爐的麵包也許放久了會變冷,這麼多年以來,這兩張一套的專輯在我心中的地位,超出The Dark Side of the Moon 很多,這使我思索起一個Band的成功與長青必須具備許多的先天與後天的條件!


  吉他手、貝斯手、Keyboard、鼓手與Vocals這樣就可以詮釋宇宙裡的所有感覺!先天條件沒有別的,就是成員的素質,諸如演奏技巧一些音樂上的本質學能,而這又與古典樂的演奏家不同,Band或有獨奏在間奏裡穿梭,然而大多沒有協奏方式的演出。Band的團隊默契比古典樂的詮釋方式更加活潑!獨奏只是即興演出,大多在Live中出現,偶爾也出現在樂曲的結構中,但大多是前奏或間奏,許多著名的樂團,Dire Straits的曲目裡最多!而Pink Floyd的曲目裡,大多講究團隊精神,許多合聲的詮釋,Dire straits就比較少有此等的演出,然而,後起的樂團如Boston的合聲就更青出於藍,在我聽過的Band中,Pink Floyd最富創作精神,而這又是其他樂團望塵莫及之處!

  The Wall這張專輯的結構完整表達清晰且精到沒有雜質的一張cd,為何說結構完整呢?從專輯名稱與其曲目出發,便可窺探出其精神,這我在Boston的Third Stage 裡見過,然而,Boston雖有承繼其精神,但並未發揚光大,然亦有其引人之處,諸如以電吉他詮釋渦輪噴射引擎呼嘯而過,猶如戰機博覽會,另外,詮釋太空梭發射的場景亦十分成功,是其不凡之處!合聲部份,Boston的Vocal 唱得十分出色,是我拜倒之處,然而卻不夠溫柔,綜合來說,Pink Floyd的合聲比較貼近人心、人性與靈魂,Boston的合聲反而顯得不食人間煙火!


  The Wall成功之處在於整張cd繽紛的色彩,像彩虹一樣富有多種色彩,不需彩排地將我們若隱若現的心境呈現出來,這是件很不容易的事,可能連再知心的人也無法完全辦到!以往在傾聽一首樂曲時,每首歌與歌之間如似一道深深的海溝,在cd裡這大多是一片短暫的空白,然而在The Wall裡,我聽到了一些難得的錄音或soundtrack裡的main title,將其連貫起來,以接續前曲曲末未完的迴音,開啟心底的另一種心境,這像是個連鎖反應,如同track1:In the flash曲末,我聽到嬰兒的哭聲,track2:The thin ice曲末,我聽到了電吉他的主旋律似緩緩啟動的引擎,track3主旋律完畢曲末緊接一連串戰鬥直昇機呼嘯而過的引擎聲,track4緊接的主旋律則加進了沉沉的鼓聲,另外在曲中則增添了許多敵人的笑聲,我不禁讚歎曲曲連結雕琢的妙意!主旋律曲目:Another brick in the wall


  2.Goodbye blue sky(track7)
  3.Hey you(track14)
  4.Is there anybody out there?(track15)
  5.Nobody home(track16)
  6.Bring the boys back home(track18)
  7.Outside the wall(track26--the final)

  這幾首曲子裡,Goodbye blue sky是首頂級的合音,合音部份的溫柔,一如白雲清鬆飛過,間以簡單的吉他單音演奏方式詮釋,而在track6:Mother裡是以優美合弦帶出許多問句,長久以來我一直視音樂人口中唱出的Mother是遠遠指著地球而言,如同他們在此曲中所唱的baby baby don’t you cry!此曲不斷地唱了很多很多句的baby,而關於mother部份大多是問句,確實十分完整貼近我的心靈,而所有的肯定句裡皆是對baby說的叮嚀,遠一點我想到每個地球上的成員,最後一句就帶出淚來~Mother,did it need to be so high?


  在前幾年我仍以Telix 撥接上網時,我聽到此張曲與曲間的錄音:是一連串電話無法撥通的聲音,不禁莞爾一笑!也聽到電話剛拿起時,電話還未撥號的聲音,現在聽來都是百感交集的回憶!這些在前年成了我寫水文概況詩集的靈感來源,加以日後聽到Denean獨立創作演奏演唱的樂者詮釋老鷹飛翔的一切,不禁教人思古,也教人懷念以往的童年,那個在現在觀來,開發即是破壞的的故鄉,後來我開始懂得,為何歌者所唱的Mother是Earth的深意!


  Goodbye cruel world
  I’m leaving you today
  Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye
  Goodbye all you people
  There’s nothing you can say
  To make you change my mind

  獨奏酒愁 2000/11/03 晨間於五四三音樂網站駐站有感

Pink Floyd-《THE WALL》翻譯Disc A

1.In The Flash?

"....we came in?" ....我們進來啦?

So ya 所以啊
Thought ya 想一想啊
Might like to go to the show. 可能就會想會去那個展覽
To feel the warm thrill of confusion 去感受一下那溫暖的恐懼和混亂
That space cadet glow. 那個年輕的宇航員發出光熱
Tell me is something eluding you, sunshine? 告訴我有地方可以躲避你嗎?陽光
Is this not what you expected to see? 那不正是你想要見到的嗎?
If you wanna find out what's behind these cold eyes 如果你想要找出那些冷眼後的東西
You'll just have to claw your way through this disguise. 那你必須要抓出自己的路來通過這些偽裝

"Lights! Turn on the sound effects! Action!" 光啊! 啟動那些音響效果吧!上啊!
"Drop it, drop it on 'em! Drop it on them!!!!!" 投擲吧!把它擲向他們!把它擲向他們!!!!

2.The Thin Ice

Momma loves her baby 媽媽愛她的寶貝(孩子)
And daddy loves you too. 爸爸也愛你
And the sea may look warm to you babe 大海在你面前也變得溫暖啊,寶貝
And the sky may look blue 天空也看起來藍了
But ooooh Baby 但是,噢,寶貝
Ooooh baby blue 噢,寶貝好憂傷啊
Oooooh babe. 噢,寶貝

If you should go skating 如果你要去滑冰
On the thin ice of modern life 在那現代生活的薄冰之上
Dragging behind you the silent reproach 拖著你的是無聲無息的責備
Of a million tear-stained eyes 來自那百萬雙含著污濁眼淚的眼睛
Don't be surprised when a crack in the ice 當那冰破裂時你別驚訝
Appears under your feet. 即使那就發生在你的腳下
You slip out of your depth and out of your mind 你滑倒在你的深度和思想之外
With your fear flowing out behind you 你的恐懼也流露在你的身後
As you claw the thin ice. 當你抓住這層薄冰

3.Another Brick in the Wall (Part 1)

Daddy's flown across the ocean 爸爸飛過了大洋
Leaving just a memory 留下的只有回憶
Snapshot in the family album 簡單的印像在家庭的相冊
Daddy what else did you leave for me? 爸爸,你還留給我什麼別的了嗎?
Daddy, what'd'ja leave behind for me?!? 爸爸,你還留給我什麼了?!?
All in all it was just a brick in the wall. 這些都不過是牆上的又一塊磚
All in all it was all just bricks in the wall. 這些全都不過是牆上的又一塊磚

"You! Yes, you! Stand still laddy!" 你,對,你! 站著別動

4.The Happiest Days of our Lives

When we grew up and went to school 當我們長大去上學
There were certain teachers who would 那兒一定有某些老師會
Hurt the children in any way they could 以任何可能的方法傷害那些孩子們
By pouring their derision 傳步他們的嘲笑
Upon anything we did 在我們做的所有事之上
And exposing every weakness 並揭露我們的所有弱點
However carefully hidden by the kids 即使孩子們怎樣小心的隱藏
But in the town, it was well known 但在鎮子裡,有件事眾所周知
When they got home at night, their fat and 當他們晚上回到家裡,他們又胖
Psychopathic wives would thrash them 又神經質的妻子們會一暴力對待他們
Within inches of their lives. 滲透他們的每一寸生命

5.Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)

We don't need no education 我們不需要(呆板的)教育
We dont need no thought control 我們不需要被思想控制
No dark sarcasm in the classroom 我們不要在教室裡被黑色諷刺
Teachers leave them kids alone 老師們離孩子們遠遠的吧
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone! 嗨!老師們!離孩子們遠遠的吧!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall. 這些都不過是牆上的又一塊磚
All in all you're just another brick in the wall. 你都不過是牆上的又一塊磚

We don't need no education 我們不需要(呆板的)教育
We dont need no thought control 我們不需要被思想控制
No dark sarcasm in the classroom 我們不要在教室裡被黑色諷刺
Teachers leave them kids alone 老師們離孩子們遠遠的吧
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone! 嗨!老師們!離孩子們遠遠的吧!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall. 這些都不過是牆上的又一塊磚
All in all you're just another brick in the wall. 你都不過是牆上的又一塊磚

"Wrong, Do it again!" 錯啦,再做一次!
"If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding. 如果你不吃完你的肉,你就不能得到一點布丁
How can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?" 你怎麼能得到布丁如果你不吃完你的肉
"You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds, stand still laddy!" 你!對,站在腳踏車棚後的你,站著別動!


Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb? 媽媽,你認為他們會擲下炸彈嗎?
Mother do you think they'll like this song? 媽媽,你認為他們會喜歡著首歌嗎?
Mother do you think they'll tr​​y to break my balls? 媽媽,你認為他們會嘗試接受我(拋過去的球嗎)?
Mother should I build the wall? 媽媽,我應該築起心牆嗎?
Mother should I run for president? 媽媽,我應該支持總統嗎?
Mother should I trust the government? 媽媽,我應該信任政府嗎?
Mother will they put me in the firing line? 媽媽,他們回把我放在戰鬥最前線嗎?
Mother is it just a waste of time? 媽媽,它只是浪費時間嗎?

Hush now baby, baby, dont you cry. 安靜吧,寶貝,寶貝,你別哭
Mother's gonna make all your nightmares come true. 媽媽將要實現你所有的夢魘
Mother's gonna put all her fears into you. 媽媽將要將她所有的恐懼灌輸在你身上
Mother's gonna keep you right here under her wing. 媽媽將要將你留在她的羽翼之下
She wont let you fly, but she might let you sing. 她不會讓你哭,但她會讓你歌唱
Mama will keep baby cozy and warm. 媽媽會讓寶貝安逸溫暖
Ooooh baby ooooh baby oooooh baby, 噢,寶貝,噢,寶貝,噢,寶貝
Of course mama'll help to build the wall. 當然,媽媽會助你築起那堵牆

Mother do you think she's good enough -- to me? 媽媽,你覺得她對我來說夠好嗎?
Mother do you think she's dangerous -- to me? 媽媽,你覺得她對我來說太危險嗎?
Mother will she tear your little boy apart? 媽媽,她會讓你的小男孩(PINK)和你分開嗎?
Mother will she break my heart? 媽媽,她會傷我的心嗎?

Hush now baby, baby dont you cry. 安靜吧,寶貝,寶貝,你別哭
Mama's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you. 媽媽會幫你檢查你所有的女朋友
Mama wont let anyone dirty get through. 媽媽不會讓任何骯髒的東西通過(檢查)
Mama's gonna wait up until you get in. 媽媽會不休息的等待直到你收穫
Mama will always find out where you've been. 媽媽永遠都會知道你去了哪裡
Mama's gonna keep baby healthy and clean. 媽媽要保持寶貝健康乾淨
Ooooh baby oooh baby oooh baby, 噢,寶貝,噢,寶貝,噢,寶貝
You'll always be baby to me. 你永遠是我的寶貝

Mother, did it need to be so high? 媽媽,它(築的牆)需要那麼高嗎?

7.Goodbye Blue Sky

"Look mummy, there's an aeroplane up in the sky" 看啊,媽咪,天空有輛飛機

Did you see the frightened ones? 你看到受驚的人們了嗎?
Did you hear the falling bombs? 你聽到擲下的炸彈(聲)嗎?
Did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter when the
promise of a brave new world unfurled beneath a clear blue sky? 你有沒有想過為什麼我們必須要跑到掩蔽處當這個勇敢世界的保證展露在乾淨的藍天裡

Did you see the frightened ones? 你看到受驚的人們了嗎?
Did you hear the falling bombs? 你聽到擲下的炸彈(聲)嗎?
The flames are all gone, but the pain lingers on. 火焰褪去,但苦同苟沿殘喘

Goodbye, blue sky 再見,藍天
Goodbye, blue sky. 再見,藍天
Goodbye. 再見
Goodbye. 再見
Goodbye. 再見

"The 11:15 from Newcastle is now approaching" 11點15分,紐卡斯爾來的飛機正在接近中
"The 11:18 arrival...." 11點18分到達

8.Empty Spaces

What shall we use 我們要用什麼
To fill the empty spaces 來填補著空虛的空間
Where we used to talk? 我們慣於在哪裡說話
How shall I fill 我要怎樣填補
The final places? 這最後的地方
How can I complete the wall 我要怎樣築完著堵牆?

9.Young Lust

I am just a new boy, 我只是一個新來的小男孩
Stranger in this town. 這個鎮上的陌生人
Where are all the good times? 所有的美好時光在哪兒?
Who's gonna show this stranger around? 誰要帶我這個陌生人走一轉?
Ooooh, I need a dirty woman. 噢,我要個骯髒的女人
Ooooh, I need a dirty girl. 噢,我要個骯髒的女孩

Will some cold woman in this desert land 會有些冷酷的女人在這不毛之地嗎?
Make me feel like a real man? 會讓我感覺想一個真正的男人嗎?
Take this rock and roll refugee 接受這個搖滾難民
Oooh, baby set me free. 噢,寶貝,釋放我吧

Ooooh, I need a dirty woman. 噢,我要個骯髒的女人
Ooooh, I need a dirty girl. 噢,我要個骯髒的女孩

[Phone rings..Clunk of receiver being lifted] 電話鈴響..話筒的沉悶的金屬聲升起
"Hello..?" 你好..?
"Yes, a collect call for Mrs. Floyd from Mr. Floyd. 是的,一個對方付費的找Floyd先生的電話來自Floyd太太
Will you accept the charges from United States?" 你會同意支付來自美國的電話費用嗎?
[clunk! of phone being put down] 沉悶的金屬聲!電話被放下了
"Oh, He hung up! That's your residence, right? I wonder why he hung up?噢,他掛了電話!那是你的住所,對嗎?我奇怪他為什麼要放下電話?
Is there supposed to be someone else there besides your wife there to answer?" 有沒有可能有其它什麼人在那兒,就在你妻子旁邊回答電話?
[Phone rings again...clunk of receiver being picked up] 電話再次響起...話筒的沉悶的金屬聲(由於話筒)被拿起而終止
"Hello?" 你好?
"This is united states calling, are we reaching..." 這是個美國的電話,我們要找...
[interrupted by phone being put down] 由於掛了而中斷
"See he keeps hanging up, and it's a man answering." 看來他有掛了,是個男人在接電話
[whirr of connection being closed] 連接的呼呼聲被關上了

10.One of My Turns

Day after day, 日復一日
Our love turns gray, 我們的愛變得暗淡
Like the skin on a dying man. 就像一個死人的皮膚
And night after night, 夜復一夜
We pretend it's all right, 我們假裝沒事發生
But I have grown older, 但我已變得蒼老
And you have grown colder, 你也變得冷酷
And nothing is very much fun, anymore. 沒什麼東西依舊顯得有趣
And I can feel, 我也感覺到
One of all my turns coming on. 我的一個轉變正在來臨
I feel, 我感覺
Cold as a razor blade, 寒冷得像剃刀的利刃
Tight as a tourniquet, 緊得像止血帶
Dry as a funeral drum. 乾枯得像出殯的鼓
Run to the bedroom, 跑到臥室裡
In the suitcase on the left, 就在左邊的衣櫃裡
You'll find my favorite axe. 你會發現我的最喜愛的斧頭
Don't look so frightened, 別看起來那麼害怕的樣子
This is just a passing phase, 這不過是一個中間階段
One of my bad days. 只不過是我的一個糟糕的日子
Would you like to watch TV? 你想看電視嗎?
Or get between the sheets? 還是上床躺躺?
Or contemplate a silent freeway? 還是想凝視那寂靜的高速公路?
Would you like something to eat? 你想要些什麼吃的嗎?
Would you like to learn to fly? 你想學學怎樣飛行嗎?
Would ya? 想嗎?
Would you like to see me try? 你想看看我的嘗試嗎?
Ooohh. No! Would you like to call the cops? 噢,不!你想叫警察嗎?
Do you think it's time I stopped? 你認為這時候我應該停止了嗎?
Why are you running away? 你為什麼一走了之?

11.Don't Leave Me Now

Ooooh, babe 噢,寶貝
Don't leave me now. 現在別離開我
Don't say it's the end of the road. 別說這就是路的盡頭
Remember the flowers I sent. 還記得我送的花嗎?
I need you, babe 我需要你,寶貝
To put through the shredder 穿過攪拌機
In front of my friends 在我的朋友之前
Ooooh Babe. 噢,寶貝
Dont leave me now. 現在別離開我
How could you go? 你會去哪兒啊?
When you know how I need you 當你知道我有多麼需要你
To beat to a pulp on a Saturday night 在星期六晚敲打肉漿(這句很費解)
Ooooh Babe. 噢,寶貝
How could you treat me this way? 你怎麼可以這樣對待我?
Running away. 就這樣一走了之
I need you, Babe. Why are you running away? 我需要你,寶貝.為何你就這樣一走了之?
Oooooh Babe! 噢,寶貝

12.Another Brick in the Wall (Part 3)

[Sound of many TV's coming on, all on different channels] 很多電視由遠而近的聲音,並且是不同的屏道
"The Bulls are already out there" 那些壯如公牛的人已經等在外面啦
Pink: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgh!" Pink打叫:Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgh!
"This Roman Meal bakery thought you'd like to know." 這間羅馬的麵包店覺得你想知道

I don't need no arms around me 我不需要臂膊包圍著我
And I dont need no drugs to calm me. 我也不需要藥物來鎮定我
I have seen the writing on the wall. 我看到了牆上的留言
Don't think I need anything at all. 別以為我什麼都需要
No! Don't think I'll need anything at all. 不!別以為我什麼都需要
All in all it was all just bricks in the wall. 這些都不過是牆上的又一塊磚
All in all you were all just bricks in the wall. 你們(變成了複數,說明牆已經完成)都不過是牆上的又一堆磚

13.Goodbye Cruel World

Goodbye cruel world, 再見,殘酷的世界
I'm leaving you today. 我今天就要離開你了
Goodbye, 再見
Goodbye, 再見
Goodbye. 再見

Goodbye, all you people, 再見,你們所有這些人
There's nothing you can say 你們沒什麼可以說的
To make me change my mind. 能令到我改變主意
Goodbye. 再見

Pink Floyd-《THE WALL》翻譯Disc B

1.Hey You

Hey you, out there in the cold 嗨你,在那寒冷的外面
Getting lonely, getting old 變得更孤獨,變得更老
Can you feel me? 你能夠感覺到我嗎?
Hey you, standing in the aisles 嗨你,站在走廊裡
With itchy feet and fading smiles 懷著漫遊的渴望和枯萎的笑容
Can you feel me? 你能夠感覺到我嗎?
Hey you, dont help them to bury the light 嗨你,別幫他們埋葬光明
Don't give in without a fight. 別在沒有鬥爭之前就放棄

Hey you, out there on your own 嗨你,在外面一個人孤零零
Sitting naked by the phone 沒有保護的坐在電話旁邊
Would you touch me? 你會和我接觸嗎?
Hey you, with you ear against the wall 嗨你,把耳朵貼在牆上
Waiting for someone to call out 等著某人的呼喚
Would you touch me? 你會和我接觸嗎?
Hey you, would you help me to carry the stone? 嘿你,你會幫我搬起石頭嗎?
Open your heart, I'm coming home. 打開心窗,我正在回家

But it was only fantasy. 但那隻是白日夢
The wall was too high, 那牆太高啦
As you can see. 就像你見到的(那麼高)
No matter how he tried, 無論他怎麼努力
He could not break free. 他都無法衝破牢籠
And the worms ate into his brain. 那些蠕蟲正侵蝕他的大腦

Hey you, standing in the road 嗨你,站在路上
always doing what you're told, 一直乾著你說要幹的事情
Can you help me? 你能幫助我嗎?
Hey you, out there beyond the wall, 嗨你,在外面超越那堵牆
Breaking bottles in the hall, 破壞那些大廳裡的瓶子
Can you help me? 你能幫助我嗎?
Hey you, don't tell me there's no hope at all 嗨你,別告訴我那一點希望都沒有
Together we stand, divided we fall. 我們一起時就向上,分開時我們就會墮落

[Click of TV being turned on] [電視打開的滴答聲]
"Well, only got an hour of daylight left. Better get started" 好啦,只剩一個小時就天黑啦,更好的就是出發
"Isnt it unsafe to travel at night?" 晚上的路程會否不安全啊?
"It'll be a lot less safe to stay here. Your father's gunna pick up our trail before long" 但呆在這會更不安全。 你父親很快會來接我們上路的
"Can Loca ride?" Loca會開車嗎?
"Yeah, I can ride... Magaret, time to go! Maigret, thank you for everything" 是,我會開。   Magaret,是時候走啦,謝謝你的一切(幫助)。
"Goodbye Chenga" 再見Chenga
"Goodbye miss ..." 再見,。   小姐
"I'll be back" 我會回來的

2.Is There Anybody Out There?

Is There Anybody Out There 有誰在外面嗎?
Is There Anybody Out There 有誰在外面嗎?
Is There Anybody Out There 有誰在外面嗎?
Is There Anybody Out There 有誰在外面嗎?

3.Nobody Home

"Alright, I'll take care of them part of the time, but there's somebody else that needs taking care of in Washington" 好啦,我會照顧他們一段時間,但在華盛頓有別的人需要我們幫忙
"Who's that?" 他是誰?
"Rose Pilchitt!" Rose Pilchitt
"Rose Pilchitt? Who's that?" Rose Pilchitt? 他是誰?
[Kid screams in background. foreground: "Shut Up!"] 後台傳來孩子的尖叫聲。 前台有人大叫“閉嘴!”
"36-24-36 ... does that answer your question?" 36-24-36。   這句話回答了你的問題了嗎?
[foreground: "Oi! I've got a little black book with me poems in!"] 前台傳來:“OI!我帶了一本有著我的詩的黑名冊進來啦!”
"Who's she?" 她是誰?
"She was 'Miss Armoured Division' in 1961 ... " 她就是1961年的裝甲師小姐

I've got a little black book with my poems in. 我帶了一本有著我的詩的黑名冊進來
Got a bag with a toothbrush and a comb in. 帶了一個裝著我牙刷和梳子的袋子
When I'm a good dog, they sometimes throw me a bone in. 當我是一隻好狗時,他們有時會拋給我一根骨頭

I got elastic bands keepin my shoes on.我穿著有彈性的博士服不停地走著
Got those swollen hand blues. 為我那腫脹的雙手悲傷
Got thirteen channels of shit on the TV to choose from. 在那有著十三個狗屎屏道的電視機裡選擇和跳台
I've got electric light. 我就得到了電光
And I've got second sight. 我也得到了第二視力
And amazing powers of observation. 和不可思議的觀察力量
And that is how I know 那就是我知道的原因
When I try to get through on the telephone to you但當我想通過電話告訴你著件事
There'll be nobody home. 卻沒有人在家

I've got the obligatory Hendrix perm. 我得到了必須的Hendrix式的捲發
And the inevitable pinhole burns 然後就是那不可避免的pinhole絡腮鬍子
All down the front of my favorite satin shirt. 最後我就會有我那喜歡的綢緞襯衫
I've got nicotine stains on my fingers. 我的手指上有菸鹼留下的斑點
I've got a silver spoon on a chain. 我有一個綁在鍊子上的財富之勺
I've got a grand piano to prop up my mortal remains. 我有一台三角鋼琴來支撐我臨終的軀殼

I've got wild staring eyes. 我有野性的凝視的眼睛
And I've got a strong urge to fly. 我也有強烈的激勵去飛行
But I got nowhere to fly to. 但是我卻沒有地方可以飛去
Ooooh, Babe when I pick up the phone 噢,寶貝當我拿起電話

"Surprise, surprise, surprise..." 驚奇,驚奇,驚奇...

There's still nobody home. 那兒仍然沒人在家

I've got a pair of Gohills boots 我有一對Gohills式的靴子
and I got fading roots. 我也有褪色的根

"Where the hell are you?" 你他媽在哪啊?
"Over 47 german planes were destroyed with the loss of only 15 of our own aircraft" 我方以15架飛機的損失來換取超過47架德國飛機的擊落
"Where the hell are you Simon?" 你他媽的在哪兒啊?Simon
[Machine gun sound, followed by plane crashing] 機關槍聲,伴隨的是飛機的墜毀聲


Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn? 在這兒的有誰記得Vera Lynn嗎?
Remember how she said that 記得她怎樣說的嗎?
We would meet again 我們會再見面的
Some sunny day? 在某個陽光明媚的日子裡
Vera! Vera!
What has become of you? 你怎樣啦?
Does anybody else here 有其它的誰在這兒嗎?
Feel the way I do? 感覺到我幹的事?

5.Bring the Boys Back Home

Bring the boys back home. 帶男孩們回家
Bring the boys back home. 帶男孩們回家
Don't leave the children on their own, no, no. 別讓孩子們一個人呆著
Bring the boys back home. 帶男孩們回家

"Wrong! Do it again!" 錯了,再做一次
"Time to go!" 夠時間啦
[knock, knock, knock, knock] 敲,敲,敲,敲
"Are you feeling okay?" 你感覺還行嗎?
"There's a man answering, but he keeps hanging up!" 那兒有個男人接電話,但他總是掛上

Is there anybody out there? 有誰在外面嗎?

6.Comfortably Numb

Hello? 你好
Is there anybody in there? 有人在裡面嗎?
Just nod if you can hear me. 你敲下門如果你聽到我的叫喚
Is there anyone at home? 有人在家嗎?
Come on, now, 來吧,就現在
I hear you're feeling down. 我聽見(知道)你很不舒服
Well I can ease your pain 我能夠減輕你的痛苦
Get you on your feet again. 令你在站起來
Relax. 放鬆
I'll need some information first. 我首先需要一些資料
Just the basic facts. 只是最基本的事實
Can you show me where it hurts? 你能告訴我你哪兒痛嗎?

There is no pain you are receding 那兒根本沒有什麼痛苦使你後退
A distant ship, smoke on the horizo​​n. 一條冷漠的船,視野裡的煙霧
You are only coming through in waves. 你只不過是要穿過波浪
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying. 你的嘴唇在動,但我什麼也聽不到
When I was a child I had a fever 但我還是個孩子時,我發過一場燒
My hands felt just like two balloons. 我的兩隻手腫得像氣球一樣
Now I've got that feeling once again 現在我又一次有那種感覺啦
I can't explain you would not understand 我很難解釋些你難以明白的事
This is not how I am. 這不是原來的我
I have become comfortably numb. 我已經進入了舒適的麻木中

Just a little pinprick. 只是一些小孔而已
There'll be no more aaaaaaaaah! 不會再有更多的啦
But you may feel a little sick. 但你可能會感覺有一點暈
Can you stand up? 你能站起來嗎?
I do believe it's working, good. 我相信它起作用啦,好
That'll keep you going through the show 它會令你完成這場演出的
Come on it's time to go. 來吧,是時候走啦

There is no pain you are receding 那兒根本沒有什麼痛苦使你後退
A distant ship, smoke on the horizo​​n. 一條冷漠的船,視野裡的煙霧
You are only coming through in waves. 你只不過是要穿過波浪
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying. 你的嘴唇在動,但我什麼也聽不到
When I was a child 當我還是一個孩子
I caught a fleeting glimpse 我曾經有過短暫的一瞥
Out of the corner of my eye. 在我眼睛的一角之外
I turned to look but it was gone 我正要轉過去看但它消失啦
I cannot put my finger on it now 我不能再把我的手指放上去啦
The child is grown, 那孩子長大啦
The dream is gone. 那夢境消失啦
I have become comfortably numb. 我已經進入了舒適的麻木中

7.The Show Must Go On

Ooooh, Ma, Oooh Pa 噢,媽,噢,爸
Must the show go on? 這場演出一定要繼續嗎?
Ooooh, Pa. Take me home 噢,爸,帶我回家
Ooooh, Ma. Let me go 噢,媽,讓我離開

There must be some mistake 那兒一定有些什麼錯啦
I didnt mean to let them 我並沒有讓他們
Take away my soul. 帶走我的靈魂
Am I too old, is it too late? 我是否太老了,這是否太遲了?

Ooooh, Ma, Ooooh Pa, 噢,媽,噢,爸
Where has the feeling gone? 這感覺什麼時候才會消失?
Ooooh, Ma, Ooooh Pa, 噢,媽,噢,爸
Will I remember the songs? 我會能記起這些歌嗎?
The show must go on. 這場演出必須繼續

8.In The Flesh

So ya 所以啊
Thought ya 想一想啊
Might like to 可能會想
Go to the show. 去看那場演出
To feel that warm thrill of confusion, 去感受一下那溫暖的恐懼和混亂
That space cadet glow. 那個年輕的宇航員發出光熱
I've got some bad news for you sunshine, 我有一些壞消息給你們陽光
Pink isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel. Pink不太好,他留在了酒店
And they sent us along as a surrogate band 他們給了我們一支代替的樂隊
We're gonna find out where you folks really stand. 我們會看看你的民樂是否有用

Are there any queers in the theater tonight? 今晚有同性戀者在劇院嗎?
Get them up against the wall! 拎他們起來使他們靠在牆上
There's one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me, 那兒就有一個在聚關燈那兒,我看著他會不舒服
Get him up against the wall! 拎他起來使他們靠在牆上
That one looks Jewish! 那個看起來像猶太人
And that one's a coon! 還有那個是個黑人
Who let all of this riff-raff into the room? 是誰讓那一大堆亂七八糟的人進來的
There's one smoking a joint, 那兒有人煙熏肉
And another with spots! 另一個就全身(染上)斑點
If I had my way, 如果我依我的方法行事
I'd have all of you shot! 我就把你們全部槍斃

9.Run Like Hell

"Pink Floyd, Pink Floyd" Pink Floyd, Pink Floyd

Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, 跑,跑,跑,跑,跑,跑,跑,跑
Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run. 跑,跑,跑,跑,跑,跑,跑,跑
You better make your face up in 你最好在你的臉上安上
Your favorite disguise. 你的最好的偽裝
With your button down lips 帶上你的清楚的嘴唇
and your roller blind eyes. 和你的滾筒一樣的盲眼
With your empty smile 帶上你的空洞的笑容
And your hungry heart. 和你渴望的心
Feel the bile rising from your guilty past. 感覺到憤怒從你有罪的過去中升起
With your nerves in tatters伴隨著你碎布中的膽量
When the conchshell shatters當貝殼破碎
And the hammers batter和錘子的重擊
Down the door. 打在門上
You'd better run. 你最好就是逃走

Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, 跑,跑,跑,跑,跑,跑,跑,跑
Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run, Run. 跑,跑,跑,跑,跑,跑,跑,跑
You better sleep all day 你最好睡足一天
And run all night. 和跑足一晚
Keep your dirty feelings 保持你的骯髒的感覺
Deep inside. 在你內心的深處
And if you're taking your girlfriend 如果你帶上你的女朋友
Out tonight 今天出去
You'd better park the car 你最好停好車
Well out of sight. 在看不見的地方就適合
Cause if they catch you in the back seat 因為如果他們在後座捉住了你
Trying to pick her locks, 試著拾起她的鎖
They're gonna send you back to mother 他們會把你送會你媽媽那
In a cardboard box. 在一個紙板箱裡
You better run. 你最好快逃

"Hey, open up! HaHaHaHaHaaaaaaaaaa!" 嗨,快開門!HaHaHaHaHaaaaaaaaaa!
"Hammer, Hammer" 錘子,錘子

10.Waiting for the Worms

"Ein, zwei, drei, alle!" Ein, zwei, drei, alle!

Ooooh, you cannot reach me now 噢,你現在不能觸摸我
Ooooh, no matter how you try 噢,無論你怎樣嘗試
Goodbye, cruel world, it's over 再見,殘酷的世界,它完了
Walk on by. 繼續走吧

Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall 坐在我牆後的碉堡裡
Waiting for the worms to come. 等待著蠕蟲的來臨
In perfect isolation here behind my wall 在我牆後面完美的隔離下
Waiting for the worms to come. 等待著蠕蟲的來臨

We're {waiting to succeed} and going to convene outside Brixton 我們{等待成功}和正要去召集外面的Brixton
Town Hall where we're going to be...我們正要去市政廳

Waiting to cut out the deadwood. 等待著切掉朽木
Waiting to clean up the city. 等待著清潔城市
Waiting to follow the worms. 等待著跟隨蠕蟲
Waiting to put on a black shirt. 等待著穿上黑襯衫
Waiting to weed out the weaklings. 等待著清除怯懦者
Waiting to smash in their windows 等待著去打破他們的窗戶
And kick in their doors. 和踢破他們的門
Waiting for the final solution 等待著最後的解決方案
To strengthen the strain. 去加強緊張
Waiting to follow the worms. 等待著跟隨蠕蟲
Waiting to turn on the showers 等待著開始淋浴
And fire the ovens. 和加熱烤箱
Waiting for the queers and the coons 等待著同性戀者和黑人
and the reds and the jews. 和紅種人還有猶太人
Waiting to follow the worms. 等待著跟隨蠕蟲

Would you like to see Britannia 你想看看大不列顛
Rule again, my friend? 在度恢復野蠻嗎?我的朋友
All you have to do is follow the worms. 你所要做的一切只不過是跟著蠕蟲
Would you like to send our colored cousins 你想要把我們有色的兄弟們
Home again, my friend? 再送回家嗎?我的朋友
All you need to do is follow the worms. 你所要做的一切只不過是跟著蠕蟲

"The Worms will convene outside Brixton Bus Station. 蠕蟲會集合在Brixton公共汽車站的外面
We'll be moving along at about 12 o'clock down Stockwell Road 我們12點會開始沿著Stockwell路移動
twelve minutes to three we'll be moving along Lambeth Road towards Vauxhall Bridge. 離三點還有12分鐘我們就會在Lambeth路向著Vauxhall橋方向移動
Now when we get to the other side of Vauxhall Bridge we're in 現在我們來到Vauxhall橋的另一側,我們在Westminster區{自治區}
Westminster {Borough } area. It's quite possible we may encounter 現在我們很肯定會有遭遇戰
some {.....} by the way we go. {... ..}." 一些...在我們的路上


Stop! 停止
I wanna go home 我想要回家
Take off this uniform 脫下這套制服
And leave the show. 離開這場演出
But I'm waiting in this cell 但是我在單人房等啊等
Because I have to know. 因為我必須要知道
Have I been guilty all this time? 我是否時時刻刻都心虛

12.The Trial

Good morning, Worm your honor. 早上好,給你小人物的敬意
The crown will plainly show 那加冕清楚的顯示
The prisoner who now stands before you 那個罪犯現在站在你身邊
Was caught red-handed showing feelings 是因為那個紅發展露了感情
Showing feelings of an almost human nature;展露感情是最基本的人性
This will not do. 這不行
Call the schoolmaster! 叫校長來

I always said he'd come to no good 我一直都說他來就沒好事
In the end your honor. 最後你們的敬意
If they'd let me have my way I could 如果他們回讓我走我自己的路
Have flayed him into shape. 把他剝皮在定型
But my hands were tied, 但是我的雙手好累啊
The bleeding hearts and artists 流著血的心和藝術家
Let him get away with murder. 讓他遠離謀殺
Let me hammer him today? 讓我今天錘打他?

Crazy, 瘋狂
Toys in the attic I am crazy, 閣樓的玩具我瘋狂了
Truly gone fishing. 真的要去釣魚
They must have taken my marbles away. 他們一定把我的彈珠給拿走了
Crazy, toys in the attic he is crazy. 瘋狂,閣樓的玩具他瘋狂了

You little shit you're in it now, 你這個狗屎,你也在裡面啦
I hope they throw away the key. 我希望他們拋開鑰匙
You should have talked to me more often 你應該同我多點說話
Than you did, but no! You had to go 比你現在更經常些,但你沒有!你必須離開
Your own way, have you broken any 按照你的方式,你最近有打破
Homes up lately? 一些房子嗎?
Just five minutes, Worm your honor, 只要5分鐘,給你小人物的敬意
Him and Me, alone. 他和我,單獨兩個人

Baaaaaaaaaabe! Baaaaaaaaaabe!
Come to mother baby, let me hold you 來媽媽這吧寶貝,讓我抱抱你
In my arms. 在我的懷抱裡
M'lud I never wanted him to 媽媽我永遠不想他
Get in any trouble. 陷進麻煩裡
Why'd he ever have to leave me? 為什麼他一定要離開我?
Worm, your honor, let me take him home. 蠕蟲,給你小人物的敬意,讓我帶他會家

Crazy, 瘋狂
Over the rainbow, I am crazy, 穿過幻覺,我很瘋狂
Bars in the window. 馬上的齒齦在窗戶上
There must have been a door there in the wall 那兒一定會有一扇門在牆上
When I came in. 當我進來時
Crazy, over the rainbow, he is crazy. 瘋狂,穿過幻覺,他很瘋狂

The evidence before the court is 在法院的判決前的證據
Incontrivertable, there's no need for 不需要
The jury to retire. 陪審團的休庭
In all my years of judging 對於我這些年來的判決
I have never heard before 我從來就沒有聽過
Of someone more deserving 那麼罪有應得
Of the full penaltie of law. 那麼完善齊全的法律
The way you made them suffer, 你令他們受苦的方法
Your exquisite wife and mother, 我高貴的妻子和母親
Fills me with the urge to defecate! 令我充滿信心去澄清事實

"Hey Judge! Shit on him!" 嗨法官!判決他!

But, my friend, you have revealed your 但是,我的朋友,你已經顯示了你的
Deepest fear, 最深的恐懼
I sentence you to be exposed before 我判決你要在你的同等的人之前暴露你自己
Your peers.
Tear down the wall! 拆毀那堵牆

13.Outside the Wall

All alone, or in two's, 好孤獨啊,或者是兩個人的
The ones who really love you 一個是真的愛你的
Walk up and down outside the wall. 在牆外走上走下
Some hand in hand 一些手把著手
And some gathered together in bands. 和一些結幫聚集在一起
The bleeding hearts and artists 流學的心和藝術家
Make their stand. 令他們站起來

And when they've given you their all 和當他們給你他們的一切時
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy 有寫人搖擺不定或放棄,堅持到最後很不容易
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall. 重擊你的心臟令其向著愚蠢的同性戀者的牆

"Isn't this where...." 這不就是....

台長: duet
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