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Review the theory of exponential inequalities

Exponential inequalities are a very important part of knowledge in the high school curriculum, especially studying for the National High School Exam. Open your pen and paper and learn 4 super-fast, super-easy ways to solve exponential inequalities with Vuihoc right here.


If you want to solve inequalities quickly and save time taking tests, you must first grasp general knowledge about exponential inequalities. So take a look at the table below!


1. Review the theory of exponential inequalities in Grade 12 Math

1.1. Rules for checking expression signs and basic forms of exponential inequalities

1.2. Exponential inequality

1.3. Summary of 4 ways to solve exponential inequalities

To solve exponential equations and inequalities, we can apply the following 4 common methods:

- Return method to the same base

- Method of placing secondary hidden

- Logarithmization method

- Method for determining the monotonicity of a function

2. Details on how to solve exponential inequalities using the same base method

2.1. Theory to remember

2.2. Exercises apply solving exponential inequalities

Refer to the exponential inequality equation exercises with answers: Here

3. Details on how to solve exponential inequalities by placing additional unknowns

3.1. Theory to remember

3.2. Application exercises

Refer to the selected exponential inequality exercises with answers: Here

4. Details on how to solve exponential inequalities using the Logarithmization method

4.1. Theory to remember

4.2. Application exercises

Immediately refer to the exercises accompanying solving exponential inequalities: Here

5. Details on how to solve exponential inequalities by considering the monotonicity of functions

5.1. Theory to remember

5.2. Application exercises

Immediately refer to the exercise on applying exponential inequalities with answers: Here

6. Exercises to apply the general application of solving exponential inequalities

To practice proficiently all methods of solving exponential inequalities, VUIHOC has compiled and sent you a set of training materials for solving exponential inequalities that are super detailed and complete with the above methods. Remember to download to try it out!

>>>Download a comprehensive set of exercises for solving exponential inequalities<<<

In addition, teacher Thanh Duc Trung has a very good lecture on exponential inequalities. In it, the teacher shared tips on how to do homework quickly and how to quickly solve exponential inequalities with the calculator. Please watch the clip below and don't miss the teacher's extremely effective skills!


Above are 4 ways to solve exponential inequalities that are easy to apply, fast and accurate to help you solve all related exponential inequality exercises. Remember to save it immediately to remember how to apply it when you encounter exercises about exponential inequalities during the process of studying Math 12 as well as studying for the National High School Math exam.




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