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Outline analysis of works moving to the village

Moving to the Village is a work composed during the resistance war against the French to clearly show the loss and pain in the war and the joy of the people when they have won heroic and glorious victories. In order for learners to easily grasp the main ideas, Vuihoc.vn has made detailed outlines, mind maps and sample essays on analyzing the work: Moving back to the village.

Outline analysis of works moving to the village


- Basic information you need to know about the poet Nong Quoc Chan along with his writing style.

- "Moving back to the village" writes about the author's homeland at a time of painful but heroic and proud fighting years, and at the same time states the meanings of the victorious resistance to the war. Northwestern life and people.



a. The joy of defeating the enemy was clearly expressed in the four lines of the opening poem "Mother!...like firewood":


- The results of the resistance war are described based on vivid images, bold thinking and expression of the mountainous people, an extremely simple and kind character.


- Cao Bang and Lang Son provinces have been liberated after many hardships. For the mountainous people, that victory was an indescribable happiness, they can finally return to their beloved village to "fix the house and grow weed" and together "Plow the fields, grow rice and corn." potatoes".

More: ngữ văn 12

b. Recalling the painful past that the heroes of the mountainous people had to go through during the resistance war:


- "Over the past few years...full of legs": With his realistic perception, Nong Quoc Chan has expressed extremely truthfully the suffering of the mountainous people when they had to flee the enemy, the difficulties and hardships when they had to flee the enemy. having to cross the forest, wade through the stream during the resistance war is always clear in my mind.


- "That gun...the way":

+ The looting was cruel and frenzied by the enemy, they broke down the barracks and robbed the clothes.

+ The image of mountain women who are extremely resilient, strong and flexible appears clearly, alone can carry the whole family during the dangerous process of running away from the enemy.

- "What to do now...don't know what to say":

+ The sacrifices and losses are taking place right in front of their eyes, engraved in the subconscious of the people here, each father and son are being taken away by the invaders, they are brutally beaten, but contrary their hearts still scream patriotism.

=> The hatred of the enemy has become a source of motivation and great strength for the mountainous people to resolve to stand up and fight to liberate their homeland and return to peace.

- "We're still young...we're new":

+ Tragedy and mourning in the family of a Tay woman to represent the tragedy of an entire nation.

=> All the hardships, the hardships of running away from the enemy through the mountains and forests, and the accumulated sacrifices of blood and bones have become a deep hatred, all that pain makes our compatriots no longer patiently endure it, must turn that resentment into strength to kill the Western invaders that looted our country "You will die! The French invader is brutal", "Minced your flesh, I'm new" .

- "Today Cao-Bac-Lang...each pool":

+ The scene of revival, rising up with the extremely strong potential vitality of the people and the Northwest land.

+ Mountain people have begun to rebuild a new life, after so much pain, many times through the rain of bombs and bullets, the Northwest sky is now blue again, all over Cao-Bac-Lang only and laughter rang out, crisp and rejoicing in the joy of victory.

- "The sun is up... I'll come back to look after you":

+ The image of the sun rising "clearly" is to symbolize a new beginning full of hope, the son grows up to follow the revolutionary sun and fights to protect his homeland, along with the promises very sincere, deeply imbued with the culture of sticking with the mountainous people: "Get rid of it, I will go back to take care of my mother".

+ It is a strong belief in a victory not far away, the belief that the country will be completely free of enemies, people everywhere will enjoy a peaceful and prosperous life, without the shadow of death and war. painting.


Summarize the entire content of the work and express personal feelings.

With a detailed analysis of the poem "Going to the Village" by Nong Quoc Chan, Vui Hoc believes that students can easily memorize information and write the best essays.

The work "Moving to the village" is a literary masterpiece during the period of resistance against the French. The author cleverly put artistic methods into the poem to express the pain, suffering and overjoyed joy when the country won the heroic victory. Analysis of the work: Moving back to the village will help them better understand the art and the content of this work. Students can refer to these 12 writing sharing articles to learn more great knowledge about Literature, prepare pages for class lessons on the website Vuihoc.vn!

See details here


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