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第四週 週三


羅八13 因為你們若照肉體活着,必要死;但你們若靠着那靈治死身體的行為,必要活着。

加五24 但那屬基督耶穌的人,是已經把肉體連肉體的邪情私欲,都釘了十字架。







我在一九一九年底信主,至一九二○年初我就遇見一位姊妹,就是和受恩教士(Miss Barber),我很得她的益處,不一定是從她的話語,乃是只要與她見面,與她同在或散步,就覺得很有靈的供應。有的人必須有話語出來,你纔能得他靈的供應;但和受恩教士不是這樣,她只要坐在那裏,你在那裏就覺得滋潤、有膏油。這乃是真正靈的供應,不是作甚麼的問題,不是說甚麼的問題。今天誰多有學習,就多有靈的積蓄,也就能彀多有靈的供應(倪柝聲文集第三輯第十六冊,二三二至二三五頁)。


WEEK 4 — DAY 3

Morning Nourishment

Rom. 8:13 "For if you live according to the flesh, you must die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the practices of the body, you will live."

Gal. 5:24 "But they who are of Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and its lusts."

    The practical way to deal with the spirit is...to condemn the mixtures, and...remove them by the power of the Holy Spirit. For example, if we have a crooked spirit, we must first condemn this crookedness as sin. Second, we must purge out this crookedness from within us by the power of the Holy Spirit. Although the condemning and the removal are through the power of the Holy Spirit, yet they are of our own initiative. We must be willing to have such dealings and desire them; then we can draw from the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit requires the cooperation of our will; when He has this, He will supply us with the power for dealing. This is the most basic principle of our dealing in life. (The Experience of Life, pp. 290-291)

Today's Reading

    The putting to death mentioned in Romans 8:13 means that we take the initiative to put to death; it does not mean that the Holy Spirit does it for us....The Holy Spirit [is the means and] supplies the strength, but we must take the initiative to put to death the deeds of the body by the Holy Spirit....Crucifying [the flesh in Galatians 5:24] is also of our initiating, not of the Lord’s. No doubt the crucifixion was accomplished by the Lord, but that is only an objective basis; our taking the initiative to crucify the flesh is our subjective application. We need to take the initiative to apply the cross and
crucify the passages of the spirit, including our flesh, our self, our natural constitution, our purpose of heart, aim, intention, inclination, and motive. (The Experience of Life, p. 291)

    God arranges all circumstances and things with the goal of dealing with ourselves and training our spirit. For this reason, we have to give in more to the discipline of the Holy Spirit.

    Here we need to speak about the discipline of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not only in us as our life; He is ordering our circumstances for the purpose of training us. He knows the kind of environment that is best for us. This is the discipline of the Holy Spirit. Every environment that comes upon us has been measured by our God. The unbelievers have accidents and coincidences, but not a Christian. The Lord Jesus tells us that every hair on our head is numbered by the Father. A sparrow may not be worth much. If a man buys four, he gets one extra for free. But without the Father’s permission, not one will fall to the ground. We are more precious than the birds (Matt. 10:29-31). Everything that is happening to us in our environment, even the falling of a hair and the grounding of a bird, is under God’s sovereignty. The purpose of this sovereignty is to perfect us. The daily discipline of the Holy Spirit is for the purpose of dealing with the self and destroying it. In this way the quality of the spirit is enhanced and purified. If we seek for ease and comfort and run away from the Spirit-ordered environments, we may reduce
our troubles, but the quality of our spirit will not be enriched and purified.

    What is the result of having a sterling spirit? If all the brothers and sisters in the church have a pure and noble spirit, they will mutually supply one another, and the church will be rich.

    I became a Christian at the end of 1919. At the beginning of 1920 I met a sister, Miss M. E. Barber, from whom I received much help. This help did not come merely from her words. Through meeting with her, staying or walking with her, my spirit was nourished. With some people one receives the supply
only when they speak. With Miss Barber this was not the case. She only needed to sit in front of you, and you would receive nourishment and the anointing. This is the genuine spiritual supply. It is not a matter of doing something or saying something. Whoever learns more lessons has more spiritual deposit and can render more supply to others. (CWWN, vol. 62, pp.456-458)

    Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 62, ch. 42

台長: Joshuachang

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