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第四週 週四


賽六六2    …我所看顧的,就是靈裏貧窮痛悔、因我話戰兢的人。

太五3     靈裏貧窮的人有福了,因為諸天的國是他們的。











WEEK 4 — DAY 4

Morning Nourishment

Isa. 66:2 "...To this kind of man will I look, to him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word."

Matt. 5:3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of the

    James and John asked the Lord whether or not they should tell fire to
come down from heaven and consume the village of the Samaritans who had
rejected Him (Luke 9:54). But the Lord rebuked...[them] saying, “You do not
know of what kind of spirit you are” (v. 55...). This indicates that whenever
we are about to do anything, we should ask ourselves, “What kind of spirit
are we of?”

Brother Nee said that a person should not only do the right thing, but also do the right thing in the right way and in the right spirit. The thing one does may be right, but the spirit by which he does the right thing may be wrong. He must do the right thing in the right way and in the right spirit. That word from Brother Nee has helped me very much throughout the past fifty-eight years....If we do the right thing, but our spirit is wrong, our conduct will neither edify the saints nor build up the church. For our conduct to be constructive, edifying, and useful in building up the Body of Christ, we must be right in the thing that we do, right in our way, and right in our spirit. Often we may claim that what we are doing is right. This may be true, but our way, our attitude, or our spirit may offend people. At such a time we have to ask ourselves, “What kind of spirit are we of?” (The Triune God to Be Life to the Tripartite Man, pp. 125-126)

Today's Reading

    Many Bible translators use the word heart instead of spirit in Luke 9:55.
Some may think that the spirit here refers to a man’s attitude. They think
that to be right in spirit is actually to be right in attitude. But there is a big
difference between spirit and attitude.

    Attitude issues from motives in the heart. What then is the difference
between one’s spirit and his motive? Before a man is saved, he can have
motives in his heart, but he does not have a spirit. A believer has motives,
and he also has a spirit. It is easy for a saved person’s spirit to be affected
by the motives in his heart....Our spirit becomes impure when it is released
because we have impure motives in our heart. If our motive is for ourselves
or for our own future and business, this motive will taint our spirit, and our spirit will carry the characteristic of this motive. The Lord said to the disciples that their spirit was wrong; their spirit was different from His. The Lord does not want anyone to die from his sins. The Son of Man came not to destroy, but to save.

    The disciples were wrong in their spirit because their motive was one of
hatred. The Lord would not allow them to pray the way they wished. The
Lord’s spirit does not think that anyone deserves to die. This is the reason
He said that He came to save, not to destroy [Luke 9:56]. This is the Lord’s
heart. This is His spirit. (CWWN, vol. 62, pp. 453-454)

    A seeking saint should be poor in spirit and pure in heart (Matt. 5:3, 8;
Isa. 66:2). A Christian should always be poor in spirit. To be poor in spirit
means that you are humble, acknowledging that you have nothing, know
nothing, can do nothing, and are nothing. Without Christ, without the lifegiving Spirit, you are nothing. Being poor in spirit must also be matched with being pure in heart. To be poor in spirit is not only to be humble but also
to be emptied in your spirit, in the depth of your being. To be pure in heart
is a matter of motive; it is to be single in purpose, to have the single goal of
accomplishing God’s will for God’s glory (1 Cor. 10:31). (The Triune God to
Be Life to the Tripartite Man, p. 126)

    In Matthew 5:3 to be poor in spirit means we have nothing preoccupying
us....We always need to be poor in our spirit, not letting our spirit be
preoccupied, filled up, with things other than the Lord Himself. We have to
empty our spirit, to pour out all the preoccupying items, so that we may be
poor in our spirit. (Basic Lessons on Life, p. 153)

    Further Reading: The Triune God to Be Life to the Tripartite Man, ch. 14

台長: Joshuachang

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