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第四週 週二


彼前三4      乃要重於那以溫柔安靜的靈為不朽壞之妝飾的心中隱藏的人,這在神面前是極有價值的。

太十五18~19 惟獨出口的,是從心裏發出來的,那纔污穢人。因為從心裏發出惡念、兇殺、姦淫、淫亂、偷竊、假見證和謗讟。







WEEK 4 — DAY 2

Morning Nourishment

1 Pet. 3:4 "But the hidden man of the heart in the incorruptible adornment of a meek and quiet spirit, which is very costly in the sight of God."

Matt. 15:18-19 "But the things which proceed out of the mouth come out of the heart, and those defile the man. For out of the heart come evil reasonings, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witnessings, blasphemies."

    The passage of the spirit can be summed up as the soul and the body, but when studied minutely it can be divided into the purpose of the heart, the motive, the aim, the intention,...the mood of the heart, the will, and the flesh. The purpose of the heart has something to do with the heart, whereas the motive and intention can be either in the heart or in the soul. The flesh has to do with the physical body. Since all these passages of the spirit surround our spirit, they naturally affect the spirit, which must pass through them in order to be released, and which also brings forth their elements and conditions....If our motive is not pure, the spirit also is not pure when released; if our intention is not clean, the spirit coming forth is also not clean.

    We can see this...from the illustration [of] preaching when it is used for showing off and for competition. When the brother is preaching, his spirit is released, but with the air of display and competition. This is because there are the elements of display and competition in the purpose of his heart and in his motive. With the purpose of heart for self-glory, the result is a showy and boastful spirit. His competitive motive, moreover, causes others to touch a competing and striving spirit. (The Experience of Life, pp. 285-286)

Today's Reading

    Since the defilement of the spirit is due to the passage of the spirit (which includes the purpose of the heart, motive, aim, intention), then dealing with the spirit is not dealing with the spirit itself but with the passage of the spirit....Whenever we are about to act or speak, not only do we need to inquire whether what we are about to do is right or wrong, good or bad, but we must also discern whether or not our inner intention is clean, our motive pure, and our aim wholly for God. Is there any selfish purpose behind our action? Is there any self-inclination? This kind of dealing is dealing with the spirit.

    We need not only to have our flesh, self, and natural constitution broken so that the spirit can come forth, but we must go one step further and deal with all the negative purposes of the heart, undesirable intentions, impure inclinations, improper will, and mixed emotion to the end not only that the spirit can come forth but that it may come forth in an upright, clean, and pure manner....We need these two steps of dealing. The first step is the dealing of breaking in order to release the spirit; the second step is dealing with all the elements in the passage of the spirit so that the spirit can come forth in a clean
way....Since the passage of the spirit includes every part of our being, we need to deal with every part of our being when dealing with the spirit. This kind of dealing is deeper and more delicate....If we compare dealing with sin and dealing with the world to our washing clothes, dealing with the conscience
to taking a bath, dealing with the flesh to shaving, dealing with self to the flaying, and dealing with the natural constitution to cutting, then dealing with the spirit is comparable to taking out all the blood cells in order to examine and clean each one. Beginning with dealing with sin, every step of the dealings
becomes deeper and finer as we go on. When we come to dealing with the natural constitution, we are being dealt with completely within and without. The only part remaining is the mixture coming forth with the spirit. When we have the spirit dealt with and cleansed from all mixtures so that not only does
the spirit come forth but it comes forth as a clean, pure, and upright spirit, then our whole being is completely and thoroughly dealt with. Therefore, following this, we obtain the filling of the Spirit. When all the elements of our old creation have been completely dealt with, then the Holy Spirit can possess
and fill our whole being. (The Experience of Life, pp. 287-289)

    Further Reading: The Experience of Life, ch. 13

台長: Joshuachang

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