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第四週 • 週六




林前六17 但與主聯合的,便是與主成爲一靈。

結,只能在我們的靈裏(聖經恢復本,林前六17 註1)。






    如今,〔經過過程、終極完成之三一神的那靈〕住在我們得重生的靈裏,與我們的靈聯結爲一靈(八9~11 上,林前六17)。…爲此,我們就要操練,將我們全人轉向這聯結的靈,並放置在這聯結的靈上(羅八6 下)。不要把我們的心思放在許多無謂的事上,要把我們的心思置於靈上,全人轉向這聯結的靈。並且,我們更要照着這聯結的靈生活、行動(4)。我們說話、行事、待人、接物,都照着這聯結的靈,連我們在家庭生活中,與家人談話都要照着這靈。我們這樣活在這聯結的靈裏,就能活出基督的身體,而成爲基督團體的彰顯(弗一23)(對基督身體的透視,三三至三四頁)。


WEEK 4 — DAY 6

Morning Nourishment

Rom. 8:4 "That the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who do not walk
                    according to the flesh but according to the spirit."

6 "For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the spirit is life and peace."

1 Cor. 6:17 "But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit."

    [To be"joined" to the Lord as one spirit] refers to the believers' organic union with the Lord through believing into Him (John 3:15-16). This union is illustrated by that of the branches with the vine (John 15:4-5). It is a matter not only of life but in life (the divine life). Such a union with the resurrected Lord can only be in our spirit. (1 Cor. 6:17, footnote 1)

    Today's Reading

    We are one spirit with God! What a tremendous difference from merely being in His presence! Not only are we one with God; we are also one spirit with Him. The day I saw this I was thrilled beyond words. From that time on, I began to practice being one spirit with Him. I failed again and again. I behaved well. I did not lose my temper. My conduct was above reproach. Nonetheless,
the good things I did were apart from God. Being close to Him or walking in His presence is not the same as being one spirit with Him. I loved the Bible. I loved the church. I was humble in my manner and kind in my relationships with others. Nonetheless, at the end of the day, I would find myself confessing my failure."Lord, forgive me. This whole day has been a failure. I loved the
saints, but I did so apart from You. I did many kind deeds, but I did them apart from You. I did not live one spirit with You. I was practicing Christian ethics. I did not practice being one spirit with You. Forgive me, Lord. Wash me."

    It is not easy to practice being one spirit with the Lord! For over fifty years I have been practicing good behavior, spiritual ethics,...building up these habits. Why do I need the Lord? He can stay away, while I live my highly moral life from morning till evening. It is spontaneous and natural for me to live in such a virtuous way.

    When it comes to practicing one spirit with the Lord, however, the only time I succeed is when I am in prayer. When the prayer is over, I slip away. Since I saw that we are one spirit with the Lord, I have been exercising to stay with Him. I dare not leave Him. I must remain in Him, constantly praying. He says,"Abide in Me and I in you" [John 15:4]....This mutual abiding is not the practice of His presence. It is rather the practice of being one spirit with Him.

    “The mind set on the spirit is life and peace" (Rom. 8:6). All day long we must set our mind on this mingled spirit....To walk according to spirit (Rom. 8:4) is to practice being one spirit with Him. We must set our mind on and walk according to this one spirit, our spirit mingled with His."Lord," we can tell Him,"I don't care whether I love others or hate them. It doesn't matter whether I am proud or humble....All I want to do is to set my mind on the spirit and walk according to the spirit. I want to practice this spiritual fact: that I am one spirit with You." To practice being one spirit with the Lord is the consummate point of Paul's completing ministry. Do not try to overcome sin
or the world. Do not try to be spiritual. Simply set your mind on the spirit, and walk according to this one spirit. (The Completing Ministry of Paul, pp. 54-56)

    This Spirit now dwells in our regenerated spirit and is joined to our spirit as one spirit (Rom. 8:9-11a; 1 Cor. 6:17)....We must therefore exercise to turn our whole being to this joined spirit and set our mind on it (Rom. 8:6b). Do not place your mind on frivolous matters; set it on the spirit by turning your entire being to this joined spirit. We should also live and walk according to this joined spirit (Rom. 8:4). We must speak, do things, treat others, and deal with matters according to this joined spirit. We should talk to our family members in our home life according to this spirit. When we live in this joined spirit, we will be able to live out the Body of Christ and become His corporate
expression (Eph. 1:23). (A Thorough View of the Body of Christ, p. 33)

    Further Reading: Life-study of 1 Corinthians, msg. 39; A Thorough View of the Body of Christ, ch. 2


Hymns, #61 1

1 God's glorious substance Spirit is,His essence, holy and divine;
   To contact God and Him enjoy,His Spirit I must touch with mine.

2 The spirit is the innermost,The part of man most deep and real;
    If he would contact God in life,'Tis with the spirit he must deal.

3 The worship which the Father seeks Is in the spirit's strength alone;
    His Spirit into man's would come,That His and man's may thus be one.

4 When Spirit unto spirit calls The two commingle and are one;
    Man's spirit is the Spirit's home, The Spirit doth man's life become.

5 Man's spirit must God's Spirit touch If in God's fu lness he would live;
    'Tis only with the spirit thus That he to God may worship give .

6 In ministry and fe llowship Man to the spirit we must bring;
    All ministry should turn to pr ayer,Spirit to spirit answering.

7 In spirit we must pray and serve, In spirit touch the life divine,
    In spirit grow, in spirit build, That Christ thru us may fu lly shine.

8 Lord, to the spirit I would turn And learn to truly contact Thee;
   Thy Spirit thus will flow with mine And overflow eternally.

台長: Joshuachang
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