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第四週 • 週五







    你有了生命之靈,你就是活的,你就顯出了生命的徵兆!這指明你有神、有基督,二者都是生命。那靈乃是生命之靈。『末後的亞當成了賜生命的靈。』(林前十五45 下)那靈不僅是生命之靈,也是分賜生命者。祂賜人生命!







WEEK 4 — DAY 5

Morning Nourishment

2 Cor. 3:17-18 "And the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. But
                               we all with unveiled face, beholding and reflecting like a mirror the glory of the
                               Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, even as from
                              the Lord Spirit."

1 Cor. 15:45 "...The last Adam became a life-giving Spirit."

    Who is it that lives in us? It is the Spirit. Who is the Spirit? He is the Lord.He is also the Father. According to the New Testament, the Father, the Son,and the Spirit are all in us. Do we have three persons within? We cannot answer too hastily. Ephesians 4:6 says that the Father is in us.  Colossians 1:27 says that Christ is in us. Romans 8:9 tells us that the Spirit of God dwells in us. How many are in us? This is a mystery. When we have the Spirit, we have the Son. When we have the Son, we have the Father. With the Spirit we have both the Father and the Son. When we have one, we have all three! They cannot be separated. The Spirit of the Lord is a wonderful Spirit! (The
Completing Ministry of Paul, pp. 52-53)

    Today's Reading

    The Spirit of life is mentioned in Romans 8:2. This term is not easy to define. Life itself cannot easily be defined in words, but it is easily identified. When you look at someone, you can tell immediately that he is alive. If you go to a mortuary, it is plain to see that a dead person has no life. You do not need to declare that you are living or try to persuade others that you have life. They can tell even without a glance that you are alive. By the same token, it is immediately apparent when someone is dead: the life has gone.

    When you have the Spirit of life, you are living. You show signs of life! This indicates that you have God and Christ, who are life. The Spirit is the Spirit of life. “The last Adam became a life-giving Spirit" (1 Cor. 15:45b). This Spirit is not only the Spirit of life; He is also the One who imparts life. He is life-giving!

    [In John 7:39 the Spirit] is a short term, but it is the greatest one! [This verse says],"This He said concerning the Spirit, whom those who believed into Him were about to receive; for the Spirit was not yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified."

    How strange to say"the Spirit was not yet"! The Spirit of God had already been mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments many times. What is meant by the Spirit? Because Jesus had yet to pass through death and resurrection and be glorified, the Spirit of Jesus Christ—the all-inclusive,
compound, life-giving Spirit—was not yet. Today we have this Spirit! We have received the promise of the Spirit through faith (Gal. 3:14).

    “The Spirit Himself witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God" (Rom. 8:16). Now that the Spirit is within our spirit through regeneration, He witnesses with our spirit, testifying that we are the children of God. These two spirits within us correspond to each other, together confirming that we are God's children.

    The Spirit today is the Triune God with human nature, human living, Christ's all-inclusive death, and also His resurrection. First Corinthians 6:17 says,"He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit." Our spirit is mingled as one with this Spirit.

    Your aspiration may be to walk in the presence of God. You may have read Brother Lawrence's booklet,"The Practice of the Presence of God." Do you realize that to be in God's presence is an Old Testament concept? Abraham walked in God's presence. However close to God you walk, however much you fear Him and seek to please Him, you and He are still separate from each other. The New Testament does not exhort us to practice God's presence. It says,"He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit"! We are one spirit with the Lord. Abraham did not experience this. God was not in Abraham, nor was Abraham in God. At best, Abraham could walk in His presence. (The Completing Ministry of Paul, pp. 53-54)

    Further Reading: The Completing Ministry of Paul, ch. 7

台長: Joshuachang
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