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第五篇 召會的五方面

讀經:提前三15 ~ 16,加六10、16

綱  目

週 一

壹 神的召會是活神的家—提前三15:

一 神的家就是神的家人—弗二19:

1 居所(家)和家庭(家人)乃是一體,也就是一班蒙召、重生並由神自己內住的人—彼前一3,二5,林前三

2 神的家人是由神許多兒子,就是神長子基督的許多弟兄所組成—羅八29,來二10 ~12。

3 基督與祂身體上的肢體不是分開的,乃是住在他們裏面;照樣,父不是在祂家人中分開的一員,乃是在祂所
    有的兒女裏面—羅八10,十二4 ~ 5,林後六16。

4 在說到召會是神的家時,保羅特別說到神是活神;因爲神是活的,召會作神的家也就在祂裏面、憑祂並同祂

週 二

二 召會作神的家,乃是神的居所—是神能得着安息並寄託的所在—弗二22。

三 召會是活神的家,父的家,乃是擴大、宇宙、神人二性的合併—約十四2、20。

週 三

貳 召會是支持真理的柱石,也是托住真理的根基—提前三15:

一 真理就是三一神,以基督爲具體化身、中心和彰顯,以產生召會作基督的身體、神的家和神的國—西二
     9,弗一22 ~ 23,四16,提前三15,約三3、5。

二 提前三章十五節的『真理』,是指照着神新約的經綸,在新約裏所啓示,關乎基督與召會的真實事物—

三 召會有基督作實際;召會向全宇宙見證,基督是實際,並且惟有基督纔是實際—約一14、17,十四6。

四 召會旣是支持真理的柱石,和托住柱石的根基,就爲『基督是神的奧祕』與『召會是基督的奧祕』之實

叁 召會是神顯現於肉體—敬虔的奧祕—提前三15 ~ 16:

一 神的顯現首先是在基督裏,那是在肉體裏個別的彰顯—16 節,西二9,約一1、14。

二 神顯現於召會—神的家和基督的身體—就是祂在肉體裏擴大的團體彰顯—弗二19,一22 ~ 23:

1 神顯現於肉體,開始於基督,在召會中延續;召會是神顯現於肉體的擴增、擴大和繁殖—約十四9,提前
    三15 ~ 16。

2 基督從召會活出,成爲神的顯現;這是照着新約成爲肉體的原則,神以一種更廣泛的方式顯現於肉體—林

三 敬虔的極大奧祕乃是神成爲人,使人在生命和性情上,但不在神格上,成爲神,以產生一個團體的神
     人,使神顯現於肉體—羅八3,一3 ~ 4,弗四24。

週 四

肆 召會是信仰之家—加六10:

一 信徒是信仰之家(家庭)的一分子;神的家,永遠的伯特利作爲神心頭的願望,乃是信仰之家—創二八
     11 ~ 12、16 ~ 19 上,加六10。

二 信有兩種意義—客觀的與主觀的—提前一19,彼後一1:

1 在客觀的意義上,信(信仰)指我們所相信的事物—徒十四22,林前十六13,猶3、20,弗四13,提後

2 在主觀的意義上,信指信徒相信的行動—加二20,羅一17。

三 信徒的信實際上不是他們自己的信,乃是基督進到他們裏面作他們的信—三22,加二16。

四 信乃是信神是;信神是,就是信祂是我們的一切,而我們一無所是—來十一6,約八58,傳一2。

五 我們信心的靈乃是將那看不見之神的一切,質實到我們裏面的器官,我們必須運用這器官,將祂一切客

六 我們所有的信在質的一面都是同樣的,但這信的量有多少,乃在於我們有多少接觸活的神,使祂得以在

週 五

伍 召會是神的以色列—加六16:

一 使徒保羅認爲在基督裏許多單個的信徒,在團體一面乃是神的以色列—8、16 節:

1 神的以色列即真以色列人,包括在基督裏所有外邦和猶太的信徒,他們是亞伯拉罕的真子孫,是信仰之
   家的人—羅九6 下,二28 ~29,腓三3,加六15 ~ 16、10,三7、29。

2 真以色列,屬靈的以色列,乃是召會—六16,太十六18。

3 在神新約的經綸裏,我們已成爲神的兒子和神的以色列;我們的定命是作神的兒子彰顯神,並作君王在
    神的國裏掌權—加三26,六16,啓二一7,二二5 下,十二5 上。

週 六

4 我們作爲神的以色列,代表神,行使祂的權柄,並在地上執行祂的行政,以完成祂的定旨—創一26、
    28,路十19,啓十二5、7 ~ 11。

5 神新約的經綸不但要使我們成爲神的兒子,也要使我們成爲神的以色列;我們需要成爲這樣的以色列,
    就是王子,在地上執行神的行政—弗一5,來二10,羅八14、19,加三26,四6 ~ 7,六16,太六9 ~

二 召會作爲神的以色列是要來新耶路撒冷的小影,新耶路撒冷將是神的以色列終極的完成—啓二一2。

2013 Memorial Day Conference


Message Five

Five Aspects of the Church

Scripture Reading: 1 Tim. 3:15-16; Gal. 6:10, 16


Day 1

I. The church of God is the house of the living God—1 Tim. 3:15:

A. The house of God is the household of God—Eph. 2:19:

1. The dwelling place—the house—and the family—thehousehold—are one entity—a group of
    called, regenerated ones indwelt by God Himself—1 Pet. 1:3; 2:5; 1 Cor. 3:16.

2. The household of God is composed of the many sons of God as the many brothers of Christ, the
    firstborn Son of God—Rom.8:29; Heb. 2:10-12.

3. Just as Christ is not separate from the members of His Body but dwells in them, the Father is not
    a separate member of His household but is in all the children—Rom. 8:10; 12:4-5; 2 Cor.6:16.

4. In speaking of the church as the house of God, Paul refers to God as the living God; because God
     is living, the church as the house of God is also living in Him, by Him, and with Him; a living God
     and a living church live, move, and work together—1 Tim. 3:15; 1 Cor. 3:16.

Day 2

B. As the house of God, the church is the dwelling place of God—the place where God can have His
     rest and put His trust—Eph. 2:22.

C. The church as the house of the living God—the Father’s house—is the enlarged, universal,
     divine-human incorporation—John 14:2, 20.

Day 3

II. The church is the supporting pillar and the holding base of the truth—1 Tim. 3:15:

A. The truth is the Triune God, having Christ as the embodiment,center, and expression, to
     produce the church as the Body of Christ, the house of God, and the kingdom of God—Col. 2:9;
     Eph. 1:22-23;4:16; 1 Tim. 3:15; John 3:3, 5.

B. Truth in 1 Timothy 3:15 refers to the real things revealed in the New Testament concerning
     Christ and the church according to God’s New Testament economy—Matt. 16:16, 18; Eph. 5:32.

C. The church bears Christ as the reality; the church testifies to the whole universe that Christ, and
     Christ alone, is the reality—John 1:14,17; 14:6.

D. As the pillar, which bears the truth, and the base, which upholds the pillar, the church testifies
     the reality, the truth, of Christ as the mystery of God and the church as the mystery of 
     Christ—Col. 2:2;Eph. 3:4.

III. The church is the manifestation of God in the flesh—the mystery of godliness—1 Tim. 3:15-16:

A. God’s manifestation was first in Christ as an individual expression in the flesh—v. 16; Col. 2:9;
     John 1:1, 14.
B. God is manifested in the church—the house of God and the Body of Christ—as the enlarged,
     corporate expression in the flesh—Eph. 2:19;1:22-23:

1. The manifestation of God in the flesh, which began with Christ, continues with the church, which
     is the increase, enlargement,and multiplication of the manifestation of God in the flesh—John
     14:9; 1 Tim. 3:15-16.

2. This is Christ lived out of the church as the manifestation of God—God manifested in the flesh in
     a wider way according to the New Testament principle of incarnation—1 Cor. 7:40; Gal. 2:20.

C. The great mystery of godliness is that God has become man so that man may become God in life
     and nature but not in the Godhead to produce a corporate God-man for the manifestation of God
     in the flesh—Rom. 8:3; 1:3-4; Eph. 4:24.

Day 4

IV. The church is the household of the faith—Gal. 6:10:

A. The believers are the members of the family, the household, of the faith; the house of God, the
     eternal Bethel as the desire of God’s heart, is the house of faith—Gen. 28:11-12, 16-19a; Gal. 6:10.

B. Faith bears two denotations—objective and subjective—1 Tim. 1:19; 2 Pet. 1:1:

1. In the objective denotation, “the faith” refers to the things in which we believe—Acts 14:22; 1
     Cor. 16:13; Jude 3, 20; Eph. 4:13;2 Tim. 4:7.

2. In the subjective denotation, “faith” refers to the believing action of the believers, the act of
     believing—Gal. 2:20; Rom. 1:17.

C. The faith of the believers is actually not their own faith but Christ entering into them to be their
     faith—3:22; Gal. 2:16.

D. Faith is to believe that God is; to believe that God is, is to believe that He is everything to us and
      that we are nothing—Heb. 11:6; John 8:58;Eccl. 1:2.

E. Our spirit of faith is the organ we must exercise to substantiate everything of the unseen God,
     transferring all that He is objectively into us to become our subjective experience—John 4:24;
     Heb. 11:1,27; 1 Pet. 1:8; 2:7; 2 Cor. 4:13.

F. We all have the same faith in quality, but the quantity of faith we have depends upon how much
     we contact the living God so that we may have Him increased in us—Rom. 12:3; Acts 6:5; Col.

Day 5

V. The church is the Israel of God—Gal. 6:16:

A. The apostle Paul considers the many individual believers in Christ collectively as the Israel of
     God—vv. 8, 16:

1. The Israel of God is the real Israel including all the Gentile and Jewish believers in Christ, who
     are the true sons of Abraham and the household of the faith—Rom. 9:6b; 2:28-29; Phil. 3:3;
     Gal. 6:15-16, 10; 3:7, 29.

2. The real Israel, the spiritual Israel, is the church—6:16; Matt.16:18.

3. In God’s New Testament economy we have been made both the sons of God and the Israel of
     God; our destiny is to be sons of God expressing God and also kings reigning in the kingdom of
     God—Gal. 3:26; 6:16; Rev. 21:7; 22:5b; 12:5a.

Day 6
4. As the Israel of God, we represent God, exercise His authority,and carry out His administration
     on earth for the fulfillment of His purpose—Gen. 1:26, 28; Luke 10:19; Rev. 12:5, 7-11.

5. God’s New Testament economy is not only to make us sons of God but also to make us the Israel
     of God; we need to be such an Israel, a prince, to execute God’s government on earth—Eph.1:5;
     Heb. 2:10; Rom. 8:14, 19; Gal. 3:26; 4:6-7; 6:16; Matt. 6:9-10.

B. The church as the Israel of God is a miniature of the coming New Jerusalem, which will be the
     ultimate consummation of the Israel of God—Rev. 21:2.

台長: Joshuachang
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