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I like the music produced by Paul Collier that much. Thank you for making these extremely good music for us and mother earth. Whenever listening to your music, I feel so calm. Insi......(詳全文)
發表時間:2011-10-22 21:57 | 人氣:1526 | 回應:0
超越二元性,在實修中並不容易。倘開心智,在與自然合一的愛裡,才有這種揚昇靈性的基礎。 她的內在小孩傷了我內在小孩的心。「我要走了。」這孩子嚇得只有逃開的力氣。「您答應不要突然消......(詳全文)
發表時間:2011-05-07 16:09 | 人氣:923 | 回應:0

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