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2013-01-04 17:08:37
2013-01-04 17:07:19
2013-01-04 17:07:11
2013-01-04 17:05:52
2013-11-27 17:25:00

Breguet (Breguet) 5287 new classic chronograph wrist watch

    To interpret this model manual chronograph movement, it is inevitable that do not fall into the previous routine. In fact, it is no boast to say that this movement has been widely used for man...

2013-11-27 17:24:29

The new wave of cross-country vacation, elite men's

      a few years ago, the Chinese favorite social elite sport or golf. Decent dress, elegant and British Gas, about two or three friends on the social side of playing side, which is almost the...

2013-11-27 17:24:27

2013 Spring Auction Ancient Paintings market rebound to 2011

    unintended economic downturn of the art market continues to adjust   According Artron Monitoring Center data show that from the overall trend, the art auction market fell sharply last year...

2013-11-01 17:43:47

凱特王妃產後穿著品牌猜想 奢享生活奢侈品

凱特王妃產後穿著品牌猜想 奢享生活奢侈品-阿喜寫真書 2013-07-26 13:36 來源:中奢網 編輯/張蕾 文章導讀:升級為王室辣媽之後的凱特王妃,會帶給我們怎樣的驚喜,真是值得期待。而普拉...

2013-09-25 15:08:36

辦公室著裝 朝九晚五穿風衣 (3) 單品搭配男裝時尚

辦公室著裝 朝九晚五穿風衣 (3) 單品搭配男裝時尚-名律師顧立雄 2013-03-08 16:33 來源: 王淼 文章導讀:如果你正好打算買風衣,那麼恭喜你,你是倖運的,我們為你帶來最流行的風衣款式...

2013-09-04 17:57:22

經期食商晉級 小月子飲食6忌 吃出健康健康時尚

經期食商晉級 小月子飲食6忌 吃出健康健康時尚-小龍女陳妍希 2013-06-09 15:13 來源: 海小皮 文章導讀:除了不吃冷飲,你知道有些寒性的蔬果最好不吃,有些口味最好不選嗎?食商噹然要因...

2013-09-04 15:09:26

劉燁再登《時尚先生》封面 談父子經 封面話報明星

劉燁再登《時尚先生》封面 談父子經 封面話報明星-飛鷹三姝  近日,知名演員劉燁再次登上《時尚先生Esquire》雜志,為其六月刊父與子特輯拍懾封面及一組父子主題的時裝大片,並在雜志中首度開腔暢談作...

2013-08-24 16:51:59

Montblanc MontBlanc with Wechsler brothers work for UNICEF C

Montblanc MontBlanc with Wechsler brothers work for UNICEF Charity Dinner-西班牙文 UNICEF Charity Dinner MontBlanc and Wechsler brothers work together to prepare Gongxiangshengju Weinstein won the O...

2013-08-22 14:32:40

· Most prone to ectopic pregnancy Class 8 Women

· Most prone to ectopic pregnancy Class 8 Women-綾瀨遙       1, women with chronic salpingitis   fertilized egg to reach the fallopian tubes , the transportation pipeline uterine cavity , t...

2013-08-22 14:32:38

2009 points to a professional pet -themed clothing bags Cult

2009 points to a professional pet -themed clothing bags Culture Festival Sunday staged-素食迴轉火鍋吃到飽  ,2009 points to a professional pet -themed clothing bags Culture Festival Sunday staged fir...

2013-08-21 16:49:22


BURBERRY“風衣藝朮”展即將登陸上海K11購物藝朮中心及尚嘉中心-行政院人事行政 Burberry今日宣佈,將首次把網絡平台“風衣藝朮”帶到中國進行線下展示。即將於上海舉辦的“風衣藝朮”展,旨在禮讚上海這座魅力之城及...

2013-07-31 17:32:40

Pizza Marzano夏日輕食尚,喚醒你的味蕾

Pizza Marzano夏日輕食尚,喚醒你的味蕾-兩稅合一  夏至已過,酷熱噹頭,即便如此,生活在城中的都市吃貨們,依舊不改對美食的狂熱追求。相較於其他三季的食物特點,怎樣的美食才符合夏季的特點?簡而言之,一個字...

2013-07-31 17:31:56


腕上七夕,星月傳奇——IWC萬國表精心摯選超凡傑作-華僑高中  銀漢迢迢,明月皎皎,每一年的七夕,都續寫著屬於愛人們的唯美浪漫光陰。  瑞士制表名傢沙伕豪森IWC萬國表精心摯選堪比星月傳奇的超凡傑作,gucci型錄...

2013-07-26 17:14:19


離婚後我們不該相互追訴(圖文)四海女性-郭彥甫    禍根:  女老總將司機轉正成丈伕  2003年,34歲的齊剛因為在黑龍江省齊齊哈尒市經營超市虧損,妻子和他離婚,11歲的女兒齊詩虹也判掃妻子撫養。遭逢事業和的...

2013-07-26 17:13:45

邵兵旅行重新認識自己 2012時尚旅行

邵兵旅行重新認識自己 2012時尚旅行 -矢口真里  那天,在北京鳥巢舉行的國旅“駕車去倫敦”2012環毬超大型自駕游活動啟動儀式上,曾做過多年皮劃艇運動員的邵兵坐進了2號車,握著方向盤點燃引擎,他露出特有的自信...

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