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2005-06-21 04:15:05| 人氣20| 回應0 | 上一篇

Lyric -- Replica (Sonata Artcica)

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I'm home again, I won the war, and now I am behind
your door. I tried so hard to obey the law, see the
meaning of it all. Remember me? Before the war.
I'm the man who lived next door. Long ago...

As you can see, when you look at me, I'm pieces of
what I used to be. It's easier if you don't see me
standing on my own two feet. I'm taller when I sit
here still, you ask are all my dreams fulfilled.
They made me a heart of steal, the kind them bullets
cannot see

Nothing's what it seems to be,
I'm a replica, I'm a replica
Empty shell inside of me
I'm not myself, I'm a replica of me...

台長: 草莓頭
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV)

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