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Here to witness the spirit of freedom CHIC-fashion brand tid

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Here to witness the spirit of freedom CHIC-fashion brand tidal energy development activities to stim-蕭邦(Chopard)頂級珠寶的蔡淑

 Today's trend is tomorrow classic, catch sight of young people will find the trend and the direction of the market ......  
is to see the young family consumption potential, as well as the huge development space pop culture, as China International Clothing & Accessories Fair (CHIC) young sub-brand, "CHIC-fashion brand" exhibition will be of concern to youth group The trend of clothing, hip-hop, graffiti, electronic music, extreme sports and other content come together for the pop culture of the participants, but also the creator of young consumers, and create a carnival.  
Here, there are more than one hundred domestic and foreign commerce presented Tide brand clothing, there are many talented new designer brand original design. Following the 2013 success of the first show after the show at the new site on, TeenTeam,http://www.gucci000.com/, Fiv5-S, Float, Lifecycle, Lyrique, inmix, murster, Band-Aid, navel, ABS and other active fashion brand once again bring their unique brand concept and creativity; Meanwhile, CH'IN Qi,http://www.gucci000.com/, Havaianas, Kimura Well Hung, DEPOT3, VU, 004, sneaky mob, Bless, YUZUKI.S, lazy Sunday and a number of "new faces" also landed . At the moment, then burst out of the combined effect of the brand,Here to witness the spirit of freedom CHIC-fashion brand tidal energy development activities to stim, designer inspired each other, the collision of a new trend of philosophy; fashion brands also communicate with each other to find the desired precision rooted market resources to identify and firmly in the direction of the front row .  
here, "CHIC-fashion brand exhibition" is not only fashionable brand life energy at home and abroad, rooted international platform for the Chinese market, but will itself as companies, brands into the trend of industry, thereby affecting the young consumption of integrated marketing platform.  
During the show more special screenings unit - "fashion Relay speak" (Relay Fashion Talk) a different trend views gathered here, people can and Asian American artists Jeff Staple, senior fashion Nicole Chen Zero and other fashion Daren talk pop culture, and experience the exhibition specified mobile technology services provider - 360Fashion Network using augmented reality technology and QR codes and other mobile technology and brand promotion of integration; also participate in Kopenhagen Fur to bring jewelry design contest and charity charity activities to participate in China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation "care package" form his own love to pass;, while also feeling the famous American fashion designer and manufacturer of toys brought Doll MINDstyle showcase a variety of cross-border Experience ...... In addition, the international level, Mr. DJ will be on site in Trinidad demonstrated its unique musical ideas, as well as tasting at the show, "there is no maximum, only bigger" and "Wuchao" pizza, the exhibition also reflects the trend of genes.  
this, CHIC team to the trend, fun, opportunities for the tone of the full build "CHIC-fashion brand exhibition" and "Mercedes - Benz China International Fashion Week held in the same period, two styles disparate fashion platform mutual inspiration, presented together with international, diversified fashion visual feast. As the exhibition venue - "751 DoPARK Beijing Fashion Design Plaza" is always concerned about the development of Chinese pop culture promotion platform, through a series of fashion events held in this, China has established itself as an important gathering place for fashion.  
here, unwilling to ordinary souls will find a spiritual home, inspire creative freedom can not be suppressed desire and passion.
推薦好文:LADY DIOR exhibition Events

台長: 清秋
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