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(Fort Gary Hotel in Winnipeg MB)   (VIA station in Winnipeg, MB)   【Canada trip】Day 7~12_Toronto to Winnipeg MB真的, 什麼都寫(鍵)不出來, 趁著還小喘......(詳全文)
發表時間:2013-05-13 20:52 | 人氣:647 | 回應:3
...Currently, stay in ComfortInn @ Winnipeg, MB Canada. On-line service provided by the hotel and it’s snow under -15C, quite good time to write article and up-load to pchome for you......(詳全文)
發表時間:2012-12-03 08:49 | 人氣:2920 | 回應:3
Where are you?WHERE ARE YOU?             *** 1 ***Have you ever been to Taipei, Taiwan? It’s a crowded & busy city.......(詳全文)
發表時間:2010-11-25 11:28 | 人氣:708 | 回應:2

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