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6 reason why your dog howl

Sometimes there is no reason at all, but other times howling is a verbal clue to what's really going on in your pup.
We’ve all seen and heard the haunting images of the lonely wolf howling at the moon, but is the wolf lonely and is she really howling at the moon? Scientists can’t even answer why do dogs howl at certain times but that howling wolf does give us some clues as to why dogs howl today.
They’re getting back to their roots
Breeds that have ancestral roots to wolves, like the husky, Alaskan malamute, Akita, and Shiba Inu are more inclined to howl, says Stephen M. Katz, VMD, general practitioner and owner of Bronx Veterinary Center and founder of Therabis. “It’s not so much that dogs howl because they are anxious, but rather as an atavistic (return to their ancient practice) response to bring their pack back together. When a dog’s pack—which now consists of its owners or family, is out of sight for long or not providing the attention the dog wants, these breeds use their vocalizations to signal to the ‘pack’ that it’s time to get back together,” says Dr. Katz. 
They miss you
Two tell-tail signs of separation anxiety are howling and acting out destructively, says Dr. Katz. “The best way to help a dog that is acting out in these ways is to get them outdoors and running around. This helps dogs get out that extra energy they have stored up.” Dr. Katz also recommends Therabis Calm and Quiet, which helps dogs maintain calm energy and overall comfort. 
Howling is a dog’s social media platform
Ever wonder why do dogs howl at sirens or when your kid plays the trumpet? Dr. Katz says they may howl in response to stimuli like sirens, music, or fireworks is simply a dog’s way of communicating. “Dogs in the wild used to howl to communicate with each other over long distances. In our urban world, howls from the pack are replaced with sounds like sirens and music, but dogs still have the atavistic response of howling back.” 
They’re just doing their job
When it comes to pack life, dogs have specific jobs to do. Some are scouts who venture out and howl back to the pack that they are hot on the trail of something. Back at pack central, the leader of the pack will howl to call the scouts topplay home or alert them of threats or potential predators. “While evolutionarily beneficial in the wild, howling is now often a source of complaints in apartment buildings where these larger and more active dog breeds have a lot of pent up energy,” says Dr. Katz. Make sure your howling dog gets this much exercise each day to release that energy.
Howling works!
“If your pup howls and you give him tons of attention, he will learn to howl any time he wants a pet, a walk, or even a treat from the kitchen,” says Colleen-Demling Riley, a canine behaviorist at Dogtopia. If you’re confident he is not howling because he is sick, then ignore it and calmly praise him for being quiet. Follow these other dog training secrets to get the results you want.
They don’t feel good
Why do dogs howl when they are in a crate? Dogs may howl when they are sick, especially if they are crated or confined as a way to let anyone in earshot they’re not feeling well, says Jen Kasten, DVM, from Tomlyn Veterinary Science. 

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