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【折磨人的MBA申請之路】MBA的漫長等待--HAAS Part II

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這是今天收到的通知,我的status已經正式進入被審核的階段,這些人動作會不會太快啦,不是說至少要4-6個禮拜才會開始審核嗎?我覺得我的心臟快要跳出來了,希望上天憐憫我,讓Adcom的人過節前過節後,都心情愉快,氣氛佳,至少讓我有個機會可以參加那個什麼Super Saturday的面試機會吧!!

Dear XXX,

Thank you for submitting your application for admission to the Berkeley MBA Program at the Haas School of Business. Your file is now ready for review by the admissions committee. Application decisions for complete files will be released on the response dates specified on the application form, and you can check your application status online at https://ssl.haas.berkeley.edu/admissions/application.

If you are a US citizen or permanent resident and you are planning to apply for federal financial aid, please be sure to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/. The form will be available on January 1, 2006, and must be completed by March 2,2006. Since this form is used by all US institutions providing government-subsidized aid, the results will apply to any program to which you are admitted.

Best Wishes,

Kara Hayman
The Berkeley MBA
Haas School of Business
University of California, Berkeley

台長: 維他命
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