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2010-08-03 23:41:05| 人氣134| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

The Tudors 8/8

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Henry VII was the first king of Tudor Dynasty. He rose to power

after the Wars Of The Roses. And The Tudor line ended with t

he death of Elizabeth I , Elizabeth of England.


Henry VIII was the third child of Henry VII. He's famous for his dramatic
marriages, and was regarded as a cruel king since killing his wives. This
 young king has unchallengeable power and bottomless desires. He
destroyed everything ever get in his way, including the meaning of god.
His struggles with Rome led to the separation of the Church of England.
He also established himself as the Supreme Head of the Church of England.


When it comes to Henry's marriages, some of you might be wondering: Since

 King had the right to date whomever he likes. Then why would Henry step

into marriages so frequently? According to the law of Vatican, only Queen's

 child can inherit the position ok king. Others are just bastards. That's why

 Henry VIII craving for a son so bad. Unfortunately, the last thing he wanted

 to see still caught up with him. His only son Edward VI died early. (16

years old) His daughters eventually took charge of the kingdom


"The Tudors", the series I'm going to introduce, can be seen on HBO.

Here are some characters of season one.

  Henry VIII,the king of England.(Jonathan Rhys Meyers play a part of)


The leading actor was considered much more handsome than the
 portrait of Henry. But Henry was attractive and charismatic man in
 his prime. He ruled with absolute power, perhaps the last English
monarch to do so. There’s no denying that Jonathan really caught
 spectators eyes. Henry believed that the reason for poverty of
sons was because he married Catherine, a sister-in-law. Bible has
 it "If a brother is to marry the wife of a brother they will remain
childless." On the other hand, he was totally into Anne Boleyn, a
maid of queen then.


Catherine was the princess of Aragon. She had once married Henry's older brother
 Arthur. The death of Athur thrust all his duties upon his younger brother. Because
of The Tudors couldn't give up a  large amount of  Catherine's dowry.
Meanwhile, Catherine claimed  that she still has her virtue. She remarried Henry
at the age of 18(Henry was about 12  years old). They did had a period happiness
in the beginning. Guess she would never  know that someday the king will
abandon her after she lost her beauty. It seemed like her loyalty to the king didn't
 win his heart. Though she lost almost everything on the battle field of love, she
was loved and supported by people of England for her kindhearted and amiable
concern about the poor.


Anne Boleyn

Anne was the second daughter of Thomas Boleyn. She got a post at court as
one of Catherine's maid. It is said that she is not as beautiful as her sister Mary.
 But she charmed the king by her clever plots. Marry  tried to capture the king's
 attention, too. She become Henry's mistress. However, Henry lost his interest
before long. He was enamored of Anne and began pursuing her. Anne resisted
all his temptations to seduce her. She also refused to become his mistress as her
sister had. Her attitude made herself  the one absorbing object of Henry's desires.



Marry Boleyn

Time for Anne to being a Queen only lasted three years. Her head got

cut off as she couldn't give Henry a son. Mary married a nobody in the

end and was kicked out from court. From comrades to  combat. At last

they cease fire. But with this kind of result, who can declare herself a



台長: Sarah
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kevin tsai
Wow, it's such an article.
I do hope you won't spend too much time writing the article every week.
However, I do believe you will be expert at history if you keeping doing so hard.
2010-08-11 20:59:28
well, it did take me long to write this.
but I think it's worth to do .

I don't need to be expert at history.
I just wanna follow my heart,do something I like.
2010-08-14 16:06:41
原來你也喜歡英國的"古裝劇" 哈哈
2010-08-14 11:05:39
2010-08-14 15:55:27
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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