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...Multilingual Taiwanese glove puppet shows win hearts at home and abroad The troupe had their performances translated into French, German, and so on, so that the audience could und......(詳全文)
發表時間:2017-11-07 17:32 | 人氣:2573 | 回應:0
Not just dolls: glove puppets become Taiwanese stars Some fans are so passionate about the puppet characters that they cosplay them with the same customs, hair, and make-up. ......(詳全文)
發表時間:2017-11-07 17:17 | 人氣:11970 | 回應:0
...Bringing new life to traditional glove puppet theater with passion and creativity A group of puppet enthusiasts starting out puppet-making out of interest are using their craftwor......(詳全文)
發表時間:2017-11-07 17:02 | 人氣:11372 | 回應:0
Chiayi City has seen many young people returning to their hometown and revive traditional businesses with creativity and innovation. By Teng Pei-ju,Taiwan News,......(詳全文)
發表時間:2017-11-07 16:55 | 人氣:15077 | 回應:2

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