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2008-10-03 03:54:39



2008-09-02 02:18:13


對不起哦。。 我那麽久才回來。。 因爲上了學院。。 忙得很啊。。 大家想找我的話可以去我的無名 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/crazysugar04 或者我的msn stephy_cxs@hotmail.com 謝謝!!!

2007-03-04 00:55:17

My SisTeR~^-^

可爱吗? 我的妹妹^^ 可爱微~ 虽然我刚认识她~ 但感觉上好像认识了好几年~ 真的怀疑我们前世是姐妹花~ 虽然她年纪比我小~ 但是我们俩聊起来~ 想个小孩~~ 也许我比较幼稚吧~ 不是~是超幼稚~〉

2007-03-03 13:43:13

Oh My God ~What the hell man ?

i done my house work this morning~ and my mobile phone suddenly ringing~ a call from taiwan sister ~ i think she calling me for chat ~ and i just take on ~ but... the sound was diffrent like las...

2006-11-01 14:14:21


我从默默姐姐抖报台看到这~ 我觉得挺感触~ 把T形容的就是得是個男人樣 要有擔當 有膽識 有肩膀 打架也得像個男人樣? 我笑了 看著這不成熟的想法 如果是這樣 去找個男人就好啦 絕對符合妳的期待...

2006-09-11 17:14:10


哈~最近报台都用英文。。。 害得大家好无奈 都看不懂嘛~ 抱歉哦。。。 ><" 都是电脑不好啦。。。 哎哟。。。 大家有空就来逛哦~ 谢谢^-^

2006-09-07 02:54:21

tomorrow Exam !!!!

OH mY GoD ! tomorrow Exam Ready !!!! so scared !!!! afraid !!!! god bless me ....

2006-09-06 12:54:20

oh my god...

haiz... final exam coming soon... and suddenly get sick... i don’t know how to facing my exam tomorrow who could give me a help ? no perosn ... who could console me? myslef... ...

2006-09-02 01:54:20

Me is T

this both picture is me ~ hahaha~ any diffrent ?

2006-08-25 21:14:09


haiz... many things was happen recently... my god sister like me suddenly... but... i shloud accept her as my gf ? i duno what i can do... i just want to atten my study first... b...

2006-08-16 20:14:09

SuCk MaN !

SuCk Man~ Long time didn’t write my paper ready... repair just now... haiz... all old paper canot display what the hell ~

2006-05-12 01:27:52


今天跟大姐到百貨買了新外套~ 呵呵~超爽的說.... 過後回去幫爸爸工作~ 因為爸爸在公司安裝了保險~ 要我去看看怎麼用~ 呵呵... 到了下午~媽咪就說要下班~ 就載弟弟回家~ 媽咪說要煮肉骨茶~^^...

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