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Tableware manufacturer is regained

Why don't you say that there is no urea resin in the 959 additive in GB 9685-2009, the substances not listed in the standard cannot be used in food containers and packaging materials. "Production Licensing Tutorials of Food Packaging Container Tools" pointed out that a tableware made of urea resin, after injection of more than 80 hot water, you can smell the urine.

The pressing process of the imitation porcelain tableware can be roughly divided into charge, mold, exhaust, curing, demolding and mold. The ideal addition is about 60 kg of melamine to add 60 kg of melamine per ton. During the production process, special attention should be paid to the mold for a while, which will be scratched due to corrosion and artificial reasons.

In order to eliminate air, water vapor and volatiles in the mold, the upper and lower molds should be released for a certain period of time. After China melamine tableware set Factory curing, the weak acid is weak, the insulation is good, the wear resistance is good, the price is inexpensive, but the strong alkali is easily decomposed, the weather resistance is poor.

The imitation porcelain tableware gradually entered people's lives and became a good tool for people to eat. Very important point is that the quality of melamine cutlery is in this case, the melamine, tableware manufacturer is regained, and three measures to improve the quality of melamine tableware is explained.

The raw material was maintained for a period of time at a molding temperature, and the polycondensation reaction of the raw material was completed, and the curing process was completed. The exhaust operation is fast, and must be completed when the raw material is still in a plastic state, otherwise it will affect the performance and appearance quality of the product after the raw material is hardened.

台長: squaretray
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