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The Definitive Guide to Battery Charging

Mobile devices are becoming the norm these days when it comes to personal technology, which means that most of the technology you use every day contains some kind of battery. This means you need to charge it when the juice runs out, but do you know how to do it right?

Many people have doubts when it comes to charging a battery. There are many myths and downright bad practices, so we decided to put together a comprehensive guide to battery charging so that you can worry less about your batteries and enjoy your gadgets more time.

The Definitive Guide to Battery Charging

Battery Charging Chemistry

One of the most important things you need to know about batteries is that there are completely different ways to make them. All batteries use chemicals to store electricity, but the specific chemistry of the battery determines the characteristics of that battery.

For example, nickel-cadmium batteries can be charged relatively quickly, but they suffer from a so-called “memory effect” in which capacity seems to decrease if the battery is not fully discharged before charging. Nickel-metal hydride batteries have a higher capacity than nickel-cadmium batteries, but are sensitive to overcharging and cannot withstand that many charging cycles.

The Definitive Guide to Battery Charging

Lithium-ion is the preferred battery chemistry for most modern electronic devices. In particular, lithium polymer batteries. These batteries have the highest power-to-weight ratio making them ideal for mobile phones, laptops and drones. This article is primarily about lithium ion batteries because they are very common these days.

If you have to deal with charging batteries that use a different chemistry, try to work on their quirks. A great place to start is Battery University

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