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World's Best Places to Visit-E


Eiffel Tower visit with Seine cruise and Paris night tour

The experience:
Observe the magic of Paris with a panoramic view of the city on the 2nd floor of the Eiffel Tower!
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- Starting Time:Available every evening at 6.15pm. The guest have to be on the meeting point at least 30 minutes prior the departure of the tour.
- Departure point:2 rue des Pyramides
- Return Details:The tour will end at the Eiffel Tower
- Time Duration:Approx. 4 hours
- Voucher Type: Printed Electronic Voucher


‧ Scenic cruise down the River Seine
‧ Panoramic night bus tour of the city
‧ Unforgettable views over the city from the 2nd floor of the Eiffel Tower

See the beauty of the city as it is at night, each street and monument is lit with the orange glow of the streetlights and the city takes on a very different, much more romantic feel. You will be able to see plenty of the famous sites in Paris from your vantage point, including the Arc de Triomphe and the Louvre Museum, home to some of the world』s most famous pieces of artwork.

Relax as you take a serene cruise down the Seine. The cruise also comes with an audio guide to the numerous monuments which line the river. You will be able to learn more about such points of interest as the Louvre Museum, the famous Orsay Museum, the grand cathedral of Notre Dame and, of course, the world famous Eiffel Tower! This gives you the chance to see Paris』s monuments from a much more relaxing perspective.

Immerse yourself in the magic of Paris with a night panoramic bus tour of the city! Take a journey into the history of the city with individual audio guides which will take you through the heritage of Paris』s most famous monuments. Marvel at the stunning beauty of the Louvre Museum lit up at night with an enchanting glow. See the mighty Arc de Triomphe, which overlooks the Champs-Elysees, illuminated by spotlight via the Place de la Concorde.

< type='text/javascript'> var kkdayCid = 3366; var kkdayLang = 'zh-tw'; var kkdayad = kkdayad || {}; kkdayad.coll = kkdayad.coll || []; (function() { var kkdayjs = document.createElement('script'); kkdayjs.type = 'text/javascript'; kkdayjs.async = true; kkdayjs.src = 'https://www.kkday.com/assets/js/kkday-affi.js'; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(kkdayjs); })();
< type='text/javascript'> kkdayad.coll.push({ id: 'div-gpt-ad-1487756896334-4', kkdayStyleId: 4 });


- Starting Time:Available every evening at 6.15pm. The guest have to be on the meeting point at least 30 minutes prior the departure of the tour.
- Departure point:2 rue des Pyramides
- Return Details:The tour will end at the Eiffel Tower
- Time Duration:Approx. 4 hours
- Voucher Type: Printed Electronic Voucher


‧ Scenic cruise down the River Seine
‧ Panoramic night bus tour of the city
‧ Unforgettable views over the city from the 2nd floor of the Eiffel Tower

See the beauty of the city as it is at night, each street and monument is lit with the orange glow of the streetlights and the city takes on a very different, much more romantic feel. You will be able to see plenty of the famous sites in Paris from your vantage point, including the Arc de Triomphe and the Louvre Museum, home to some of the world』s most famous pieces of artwork.

Relax as you take a serene cruise down the Seine. The cruise also comes with an audio guide to the numerous monuments which line the river. You will be able to learn more about such points of interest as the Louvre Museum, the famous Orsay Museum, the grand cathedral of Notre Dame and, of course, the world famous Eiffel Tower! This gives you the chance to see Paris』s monuments from a much more relaxing perspective.

Immerse yourself in the magic of Paris with a night panoramic bus tour of the city! Take a journey into the history of the city with individual audio guides which will take you through the heritage of Paris』s most famous monuments. Marvel at the stunning beauty of the Louvre Museum lit up at night with an enchanting glow. See the mighty Arc de Triomphe, which overlooks the Champs-Elysees, illuminated by spotlight via the Place de la Concorde.

台長: samuelg45yf7n
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