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Human bipedalism – walking upright on two legs – may have evolved in trees, and not on the ground as previously thought, according to a new study involving UCL researchers.




In the study, published today in the journal Science Advances, researchers from UCL, the University of Kent, and Duke University, USA, explored the behaviours of wild chimpanzees - our closest living relative - living in the Issa Valley of western Tanzania, within the region of the East African Rift Valley.

在今天(20221214)發表於《科學進展》期刊的該項研究中,來自英國倫敦大學學院(UCLUniversity College London)、英國肯特大學及美國杜克大學的研究人員們探索了,生活於坦桑尼亞西部,伊薩河谷之野生黑猩猩(我們最親近的現存親緣動物)的行為。

Known as ‘savanna-mosaic’ – a mix of dry open land with few trees and patches of dense forest - the chimpanzees’ habitat is very similar to that of our earliest human
ancestors and was chosen to enable the scientists to explore whether the openness of this type of landscape could have encouraged bipedalism in hominins.



The study is the first of its kind to explore if savanna-mosaic habitats would account for increased time spent on the ground by the Issa chimpanzees, and compares their behaviour to other studies on their solely forest-dwelling cousins in other parts of Africa.



Overall, the study found that the Issa chimpanzees spent as much time in the trees as other chimpanzees living in dense forests, despite their more open habitat, and were not more terrestrial (land-based) as expected.



Furthermore, although the researchers expected the Issa chimpanzees to walk upright more in open savanna vegetation, where they cannot easily travel via the tree canopy, more than 85% of occurrences of bipedalism took place in the trees.



The authors say that their findings contradict widely accepted theories that suggest that it was an open, dry savanna environment that encouraged our prehistoric human relatives to walk upright – and instead suggests that they may have evolved to walk on two feet to move around the trees.



Study co-author Dr Alex Piel (UCL Anthropology) said: “We naturally assumed that because Issa has fewer trees than typical tropical forests, where most chimpanzees live, we would see individuals more often on the ground than in the trees.

該項研究合撰人,Alex Piel博士(倫敦大學學院人類學)表示:我們自然而然地假設,因為伊薩河谷具有比大多數黑猩猩棲息之典型熱帶森林少的樹木。因此,我們會看到個體於地面上,比在樹上更為頻繁。


Moreover, because so many of the traditional drivers of bipedalism (such as carrying objects or seeing over tall grass, for example) are associated with being on the ground, we thought we’d naturally see more bipedalism here as well. However, this is not what we found.



“Our study suggests that the retreat of forests in the late Miocene-Pliocene era around five million years ago and the more open savanna habitats were in fact not a catalyst for the evolution of bipedalism. Instead, trees probably remained essential to its evolution – with the search for food-producing trees a likely a driver of this trait.”


To establish their findings, the researchers recorded more than 13,700 instantaneous observations of positional behaviour from 13 chimpanzee adults (six females and seven males), including almost 2,850 observations of individual locomotor events (e.g., climbing, walking, hanging, etc.), over the course of the 15-month study.



They then used the relationship between tree/land-based behaviour and vegetation (forest vs woodland) to investigate patterns of association. Similarly, they noted each instance of bipedalism and whether it was associated with being on the ground or in the trees.


The authors note that walking on two feet is a defining feature of humans when compared to other
great apes, who “knuckle walk”. Yet, despite their study, researchers say why humans alone amongst the apes first began to walk on two feet still remains a mystery.



Study co-author Dr Fiona Stewart (UCL Anthropology and Liverpool John Moores University) said: “To date, the numerous hypotheses for the evolution of bipedalism share the idea that hominins (human ancestors) came down from the trees and walked upright on the ground, especially in more arid, open habitats that lacked tree cover. Our data do not support that at all.

該項研究合撰人,(倫敦大學學院及利物浦約翰摩爾斯大學人類學)Fiona Stewart博士表示:迄今為止,有關雙足行走演化的眾多假設,共有人科動物(人類的原種)從樹上下來,並在地面上直立行走,特別是在缺乏樹木覆蓋,較乾旱、空曠之棲息地的見解。我們的數據根本不支持那見解。


“Unfortunately, the traditional idea of fewer trees equals more terrestriality (land dwelling) just isn’t borne out with the Issa data. What we need to focus on now is how and why these chimpanzees spend so much time in the trees - and that is what we’ll focus on next on our way to piecing together this complex evolutionary puzzle.”



Study lead author Rhianna Drummond-Clarke (University of Kent) said: “Many fossil human relatives have ape-like forelimbs – with long arms, more mobile shoulders and curved fingers – that are useful for swinging and climbing in the trees.

該項研究首要撰文人,Rhianna Drummond-Clarke(肯特大學)宣稱:「許多成化石的人類親緣動物,具有類似類人猿的前肢(長臂、較靈活的肩膀及彎曲的手指)。這對於在樹上擺盪及攀爬很有用。


While some have argued that these ‘tree adaptations’ are remnants from a more ape-like, arboreal past and no longer functionally important, our study suggests that trees remained an important part of their daily lives.”






台長: peregrine
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