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2008-08-15 06:19:37

[movie] wristcutters: A love story

Another movie I wanted to watch last year and I finally made it today. (words) it happens only when it doesn’t matter. (notes) Tom Watts is in the movie. It is based on a story by Etgar Keret,...

2008-08-10 08:35:18

love is lonely

愛情是捉摸不定的 人是孤獨的 要夠堅強 才能面對一個人的寂寞 當我沒有你的時候 我是否能夠堅強面對我的寂寞

2008-08-05 14:25:15

[movie] be kind rewind

I went to see the gallery show in the Deitch Projects here in SOHO New York before I watched the movie. The show makes more sense to me after watching the film. The front door of the gallery looks ...

2008-07-22 08:10:17

simplicity is better

when i first got to new york city, i didn’t know too many people. i just needed to focus on my school work and the few people i care about. now, i know more people. but, things got more complicated....

2008-07-04 09:36:24


今天去了自從找internship以來 第二個面試機會 總算是比較像樣的了 一個在紐約算有名的 pottery maker/interior designer - johnathan adler 我在這個星期一接到他的graphic designer的信問我星期三還是星期四有...

2008-06-28 03:45:35

in such a wonderful city

I am surprised that how fast I forget the feeling before I arrived new york last year. There were fanfacies about the new life in new york city. Like the new energy and stuff. However, when I ar...

2008-06-14 02:50:11

Movies that I was supposed to see long time ago

Recently, I join Netflix and start to watch the movies that I was supposed to watch a million years ago. First movie I watch was ”high fidelity”- it’s about a guy who gets dumped by his gf and h...

2008-02-17 15:01:44

come and go

same pattern repeating everything is perfect from far away worries and fighting follow i just want to grab and remember this beautiful feeling forever but how long will it last http://w...

2008-02-06 16:02:12

Modular Product

a cool concept learned from the visual communication class. making a product with modules. modular product has so many varieties: it can form not only a table but also a chair; the size can be diff...

2008-01-22 15:50:06

[book] history of vicorian style in american arts

Recently finished reading ”kafka on the shore”. Therefore, I was searching for my next reading material in Strand. And, I found ”The World of Antiques, Art and Architecture in Victorian America...

2007-11-28 06:47:48

I am loud;it’s in my personality

I am loud. It’s in my personality. I never thought about it,but when I realized it, I found it very true. My advertising professor, Bob Gill, mentioned something like this during one critique. ...

2007-11-05 08:41:10


( By 陳綺貞) 你看過了許多美景  你看過了許多美女 你迷失在地圖上 每一道短暫的光陰 你品嚐了夜的巴黎 你踏過下雪的北京 ”你熟記書本裡 每一句你最愛的真理” 卻說不出你愛我的原因 卻說不出你欣賞我...

2007-10-19 13:52:53

no absoluteness

性別沒有絕對! 就像一個人可以同時擁有左腦跟右腦的特質 I like order but i am spontaneous 一個人可以同時有女性的外表 和男性的內心 or vice versa kafka on the shore - oshima is physically woman bu...

2007-09-26 13:22:57


I always like to look at the map for weather report of the us. I can just stare at a city and its temperature for a long time. In 2001, I looked at the weather report in north western area. I chang...

2007-09-03 11:37:46

two heart-warming professors from U of Oregon

*first letter- from professor Joey Bargsten : Hello Everyone, As some of you know, I have once again joined the fray of academic life, this time in sunny Ft. Lauderdale. I’m part of the School...

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