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2007-08-30 17:55:10


成員介紹 老鷹,Hawk飾,一個專門把事情搞大的處長。(小事變大,大事之後他就可以出國了。)社長,Tony飾,整天動不動就發病,絕對不能忍受我拒絕他出現在我的面前,他會把我冰起來。但幾個月之後病又突然不藥而癒...

2007-06-21 10:56:04


[2007/6/8 上午 10:11:26] Yazoooooo..練習 說 : 給我他的照片 [2007/6/8 上午 10:11:28] Yazoooooo..練習 說 : 我想要 [2007/6/8 上午 10:11:41] (FingerPrint)啊啊啊啊啊~~好開勳啊~~ 說 : 妳再誇張一點啊 [200...

2007-06-10 17:51:07

Leave your life as good as you wish.

1. Study English as much as you can. 2. Use your knowledge live. 3. Find someone you really love and share everything with him/her. 4. Do good things, treat people well. 5. Go somewhere at least o...

2007-06-05 16:20:47

It’s not my day

今天有四件事 1. 網路炸騙騙了我11000元,我是笨蛋 2. 我要包我好朋友要結婚的錢,7/8 3. 龍舟沒機會去了,這個月透支,今天要辦高鐵退票 4. 小簡打電話給我※今天早上7點15,這是唯一值得安慰的事

2007-06-04 22:29:52

First time bungie jumping in NZ

For find out the first place where to start have bungie jumping, I come to NZ north island.......the experience I had will never forget in my life.......Y2005 Feb.”Taupo Lake”

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