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馬拉松 5 zodiac signs have good f

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Mater Yenlung Chiu pointed out that great heat is a season of mixed good and bad, but the five zodiac signs of snake, ox, dog, rabbit and monkey have good luck.  (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

▲Mater Yenlung Chiu pointed out that great heat is a season of mixed good and bad, but the five zodiac signs of snake, ox, dog, rabbit and monkey have good luck.  (Photo saurce: Pixabay)

The "Great Heat" arrives on Sunday! Numerologist: The fortunes of the 5 zodiac signs are booming 

By Master Chiu Yanlong

This Sunday (23rd) is about to enter the last solar term of summer "Great Heat", which means that the weather will be even hotter and more humid, but it also means that autumn is not far away, and the relief from the heat is just around the corner. Master Chiu Yenlung, an international celestial numerology and Feng Shui expert, pointed out that great heat is a season of mixed good and bad, but the five zodiac signs of snake, ox, dog, rabbit and monkey have good luck. 

🔥🔥2023年高美濕地海風公益路跑熱烈報名中🔥🔥 👉👉👉報名連結:https://eventpal.com.tw/gmrun.html 🌅台中高美濕地,被媒體評選為世界最美夕陽,享譽國際的超級景點。 在這繁忙的社會中,讓我們一起揮灑汗水,享受這美好的風景吧‼ 小編在這邊跟大家分享個 【跑步小常識】 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ ⚠️為何跑步時會越跑肌肉越僵硬⚠️ 喜歡長跑的人除了感受每一次的深吸慢吐之外,保持每一次手臂自然放鬆擺動的姿勢也是很重要,如果跑步姿勢不正確,像是過度地踩踏與跨步也都是不正確的姿勢喔!長期跑步下來,將可能對身體造成負面影響,久了久之會造成背部肌肉僵硬、肩頸也會感到痠痛。 在運動時盡量不要有拱肩跑步的姿勢,並且保持適當的步幅和步頻,避免過度用力的跨步動能,建議試試每分鐘約160-180步的步頻運動,減少姿勢不正確帶來的運動傷害。 手持手機也可能會導致身體平衡失調,因為持有手機的那隻手臂會不自覺舉起,或向側邊擺動,連動著單側肩膀、上背部也會緊繃起來,無意間增加身體的負擔。 小編提醒大家要記得保持正確的跑步姿勢喔!! 💥火速報名中💥 📍活動組別:6K~12K~21K 📍活動日期:2023年10月22日 ➡️手刀報名 https://eventpal.com.tw/gmrun.html ➡️高美濕地海風路跑粉專 https://www.facebook.com/GaomeiRun - 最新資訊就關注 ➤ @活動咖EventPal 加入活動咖LINE好友:ID: @eventpal ➡️Link https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40oes9401w 👇加入活動咖LINE社群👇 ➡️Link https://reurl.cc/jDV3Kn 最快最即時,精彩消息不間斷 🥰賽事資訊一手掌握,早鳥優惠不再錯過 #活動咖 #Eventpal #台中 #高美濕地 #路跑 #夕陽 #約會 #高美燈塔

Master Chiu Yenlung said that during this period, those who belong to the snake have a bright side, and those who belong to the ox are suitable for forming good relationships. Those who belong to the dog are advised to improve their skills more. Those who belong to the rabbit should learn to control their emotions and good luck will come. Those who belong to monkey will have help from nobleman. Master Chiu Yenlung said that everything is neutral and it all depends on how you deal it. 

During the “Great Heat” (July 23rd to August 8th), the five zodiac signs with the strongest fortune are: 

Top5: Monkey 

Friends who belong to the monkey, the god of luck will be with you during this period, and you can get a group of noble people to help you as your inner energy is very strong. Although there are emergencies, as long as you remember to use softness to overcome strength, everything will be at your disposal. It is also a good thing even if it is just empty words or promises. 

Top4: Rabbit 

Friends who belong to the rabbit, although the plan will never keep up with the changes during this period, as long as you adjust your mentality and maintain a normal attitude. Do not let your mood  worry  fluctuate. Remember that the less emotional turbulent, the better your luck will be. 

In terms of investment, it is recommended to be cautious, not blind, and remember the word "stability". In the group, your reputation will soar rapidly, and at the same time, your opponents, customers, and other half will be proud of you and get a lot of recognition. 

Top3: Dog 

Friends who belong to the dog, improve your technical skills during this period, and you will surely succeed in the future. Although there is a short-term conflict with your opponent, but it is al actually all coming from yourself. Try not to bother. It is no need to escalate the situation. Remember, there will be partners to support you, and the less conflicts, the more wealth. Once you put your mind on career and study, you can fill your own purse. 

🔥🔥2023年高美濕地海風公益路跑熱烈報名中🔥🔥 👉👉👉報名連結:https://eventpal.com.tw/gmrun.html 🌅台中高美濕地,被媒體評選為世界最美夕陽,享譽國際的超級景點。 在這繁忙的社會中,讓我們一起揮灑汗水,享受這美好的風景吧‼ 小編在這邊跟大家分享個 【跑步小常識】 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ ⚠️為何跑步時會越跑肌肉越僵硬⚠️ 喜歡長跑的人除了感受每一次的深吸慢吐之外,保持每一次手臂自然放鬆擺動的姿勢也是很重要,如果跑步姿勢不正確,像是過度地踩踏與跨步也都是不正確的姿勢喔!長期跑步下來,將可能對身體造成負面影響,久了久之會造成背部肌肉僵硬、肩頸也會感到痠痛。 在運動時盡量不要有拱肩跑步的姿勢,並且保持適當的步幅和步頻,避免過度用力的跨步動能,建議試試每分鐘約160-180步的步頻運動,減少姿勢不正確帶來的運動傷害。 手持手機也可能會導致身體平衡失調,因為持有手機的那隻手臂會不自覺舉起,或向側邊擺動,連動著單側肩膀、上背部也會緊繃起來,無意間增加身體的負擔。 小編提醒大家要記得保持正確的跑步姿勢喔!! 💥火速報名中💥 📍活動組別:6K~12K~21K 📍活動日期:2023年10月22日 ➡️手刀報名 https://eventpal.com.tw/gmrun.html ➡️高美濕地海風路跑粉專 https://www.facebook.com/GaomeiRun - 最新資訊就關注 ➤ @活動咖EventPal 加入活動咖LINE好友:ID: @eventpal ➡️Link https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40oes9401w 👇加入活動咖LINE社群👇 ➡️Link https://reurl.cc/jDV3Kn 最快最即時,精彩消息不間斷 🥰賽事資訊一手掌握,早鳥優惠不再錯過 #活動咖 #Eventpal #台中 #高美濕地 #路跑 #夕陽 #約會 #高美燈塔

Top2: Ox 

Friends who belong to the ox, during this period, learn to speak properly, walk around, make more friends, form good relationships, and put your mind on work. With a pleasant attitude, you will make rapid progress in your career, and remember to use wisdom to solve problems, although things are unpredictable and you need to arrange to solve them. But they can all be resolved without too effort. There is a chance to become famous all over the world.Please grasp the fate. 

Top1: Snake 

Friends who belong to the snake, during this period, you can be loved by everyone in your circle. You will be naturally blooming, become the focus of people, and have a halo of glory, especially those who are in overseas or remote areas. You will be able to achieve some partial balance with competitors, partners, or significant other. Expenses are increasing, and money needs to be spent cautiously. In general, there is still uncertainity, but the future is still bright. 


Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)

▲Master Chiu Yanlong, an international expert in feng shui and numerology.(File Photo)


🔥🔥2023年高美濕地海風公益路跑熱烈報名中🔥🔥 👉👉👉報名連結:https://eventpal.com.tw/gmrun.html 🌅台中高美濕地,被媒體評選為世界最美夕陽,享譽國際的超級景點。 在這繁忙的社會中,讓我們一起揮灑汗水,享受這美好的風景吧‼ 小編在這邊跟大家分享個 【跑步小常識】 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ ⚠️為何跑步時會越跑肌肉越僵硬⚠️ 喜歡長跑的人除了感受每一次的深吸慢吐之外,保持每一次手臂自然放鬆擺動的姿勢也是很重要,如果跑步姿勢不正確,像是過度地踩踏與跨步也都是不正確的姿勢喔!長期跑步下來,將可能對身體造成負面影響,久了久之會造成背部肌肉僵硬、肩頸也會感到痠痛。 在運動時盡量不要有拱肩跑步的姿勢,並且保持適當的步幅和步頻,避免過度用力的跨步動能,建議試試每分鐘約160-180步的步頻運動,減少姿勢不正確帶來的運動傷害。 手持手機也可能會導致身體平衡失調,因為持有手機的那隻手臂會不自覺舉起,或向側邊擺動,連動著單側肩膀、上背部也會緊繃起來,無意間增加身體的負擔。 小編提醒大家要記得保持正確的跑步姿勢喔!! 💥火速報名中💥 📍活動組別:6K~12K~21K 📍活動日期:2023年10月22日 ➡️手刀報名 https://eventpal.com.tw/gmrun.html ➡️高美濕地海風路跑粉專 https://www.facebook.com/GaomeiRun - 最新資訊就關注 ➤ @活動咖EventPal 加入活動咖LINE好友:ID: @eventpal ➡️Link https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40oes9401w 👇加入活動咖LINE社群👇 ➡️Link https://reurl.cc/jDV3Kn 最快最即時,精彩消息不間斷 🥰賽事資訊一手掌握,早鳥優惠不再錯過 #活動咖 #Eventpal #台中 #高美濕地 #路跑 #夕陽 #約會 #高美燈塔

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以上言論及圖片僅供參考,不代表本台立場。 🔥🔥2023年高美濕地海風公益路跑熱烈報名中🔥🔥 👉👉👉報名連結:https://eventpal.com.tw/gmrun.html 🌅台中高美濕地,被媒體評選為世界最美夕陽,享譽國際的超級景點。 在這繁忙的社會中,讓我們一起揮灑汗水,享受這美好的風景吧‼ 小編在這邊跟大家分享個 【跑步小常識】 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️ ⚠️為何跑步時會越跑肌肉越僵硬⚠️ 喜歡長跑的人除了感受每一次的深吸慢吐之外,保持每一次手臂自然放鬆擺動的姿勢也是很重要,如果跑步姿勢不正確,像是過度地踩踏與跨步也都是不正確的姿勢喔!長期跑步下來,將可能對身體造成負面影響,久了久之會造成背部肌肉僵硬、肩頸也會感到痠痛。 在運動時盡量不要有拱肩跑步的姿勢,並且保持適當的步幅和步頻,避免過度用力的跨步動能,建議試試每分鐘約160-180步的步頻運動,減少姿勢不正確帶來的運動傷害。 手持手機也可能會導致身體平衡失調,因為持有手機的那隻手臂會不自覺舉起,或向側邊擺動,連動著單側肩膀、上背部也會緊繃起來,無意間增加身體的負擔。 小編提醒大家要記得保持正確的跑步姿勢喔!! 💥火速報名中💥 📍活動組別:6K~12K~21K 📍活動日期:2023年10月22日 ➡️手刀報名 https://eventpal.com.tw/gmrun.html ➡️高美濕地海風路跑粉專 https://www.facebook.com/GaomeiRun - 最新資訊就關注 ➤ @活動咖EventPal 加入活動咖LINE好友:ID: @eventpal ➡️Link https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40oes9401w 👇加入活動咖LINE社群👇 ➡️Link https://reurl.cc/jDV3Kn 最快最即時,精彩消息不間斷 🥰賽事資訊一手掌握,早鳥優惠不再錯過 #活動咖 #Eventpal #台中 #高美濕地 #路跑 #夕陽 #約會 #高美燈塔

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