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晨興聖言─為着基督身體之 生命的經歷、長大與職事(21)

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第二週 週一


林前二14      然而屬魂的人不領受神的靈的事,…並且他不能明白,因為這些事是憑靈看透的。

林後三5~6     並不是我們憑自己彀資格將甚麼估計作像是出於我們自己的;我們之所以彀資格,乃是出於神;祂使我們彀資格作新約的執事,這些執事不是屬於字句,乃是屬於靈,因為那字句殺死人,那靈卻叫人活。











WEEK 2 — DAY 1

Morning Nourishment

1 Cor. 2:14 "But a soulish man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God,...and he is not able to know them because they are discerned spiritually."

2 Cor. 3:5-6 "Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to account anything as from ourselves; but our sufficiency is from God, who has also made us sufficient as ministers of a new covenant, ministers not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life."

    Dealing with self and dealing with the natural constitution are of extreme importance in spiritual experience. They are related not only to life but also to service. Dealing with self and dealing with the natural constitution are preparations for our service to God. If we wish to have the kind of service
according to God’s heart desire, dealing with self and the natural constitution is a must. (The Experience of Life, p. 253)

Today's Reading

    We want to see the impotence, [the insufficiency], of our natural being in the things of God....We may be very sufficient in other things, but we do not have any sufficiency, competence, or power in the things of God....The spirit of fallen mankind has been deadened (Eph. 2:1, 5a), so it is useless in the things of God.

    In today’s religion of Christianity, most of the service is either in the soul or in the flesh. This is why we have to see the impotence of our natural being for our service. We need to impress the saints that our flesh cannot be subject to God and cannot please God. Then the saints may ask, “What is it to be in the flesh?” We should tell them, “As long as you are not in the spirit,you are in the flesh.”

    We should realize that we cannot have any trust in our natural being in the things of God. In Philippians 3:3 Paul said, “For we are the circumcision, the ones who serve by the Spirit of God and boast in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh.” To have no trust in our flesh is to have no trust in our natural being.

    We have to learn to reject our natural being and exercise our spirit in everything. God’s salvation makes our spirit the inner man (Eph. 3:16). This implies that our spirit is our new person as everything to us. Actually, we should not live another man; we should live only the inner man. Our spirit
worships, prays, and should take the lead to do everything in our Christian life and service. (Basic Lessons on Service, pp. 126-128)

    The New Testament leaves no place for any part of our old being. The speaking of the Lord Jesus and the writings of the apostle Paul show that in God’s economy nothing of our old being should remain. We need to realize that God’s economy is altogether a matter of the new creation. Our old being must be put aside. Although there is no place for our old being in the Lord’s recovery, in the sense of the new creation there is a place for us in the church.There is a place for us as regenerated persons who are being sanctified,transformed, conformed, and glorified, but we need to see that there is no place for our natural man.

    None of us can say that we are fully transformed; we are all still somewhat natural. We need to see that in the church life there is no place for anything natural, yet because we are in the process of being transformed, we are still unconsciously and unwillingly somewhat natural. The churches in the Lord’s
recovery, as parts of the living Body of Christ, will spontaneously reject anything that is natural. (Basic   Principles concerning the Eldership, pp. 120-121, 127)

In order for the church to be built up, we have to touch the matter of being broken. If we want to be built together, we all have to be broken. If there is no breaking, there is no building. You and I can be built together only after you and I both have been broken a little....In the building of the church, every natural thing in us must be broken before we can be joined with others. Everything natural in us, whether it is our ability, our discernment, or our zeal, is unsuitable to be used for the building. We can be built only after we have been broken in our natural being. (The Building Work of God, pp. 62-63)

Further Reading: Basic Lessons on Service, lsns. 16, 20

台長: Joshuachang

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