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晨興聖言─為着基督身體之 生命的經歷、長大與職事(22)

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第二週 週二


羅六6     知道我們的舊人已經與祂同釘十字架,使罪的身體失效,叫我們不再作罪的奴僕。

帖前五23 且願和平的神,親自全然聖別你們,又願你們的靈、與魂、與身子得蒙保守,在我們主耶穌基督來臨的時候,得以完全,無可指摘。









WEEK 2 — DAY 2

Morning Nourishment

Rom. 6:6 "Knowing this, that our old man has been crucified with Him in order that the body of sin might be annulled, that we should no longer serve sin as slaves."

1 Thes. 5:23 "And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

    [In our dealing with the natural constitution], constitution...means “the aggregate of man’s physical and mental powers.” In the Bible there is no such term as the natural constitution, and it is seldom mentioned among Christians; yet in our experience there is such a thing. It is an outstanding
characteristic of the soulish man and a prominent expression of the living out of the old man. If we pursue the experience of the cross, we cannot neglect this aspect of dealing....The natural constitution is the expression of the living out of the old man, which has to do with human ability, capability,
wisdom, cleverness, schemes, and skills. (The Experience of Life, p. 243)

Today's Reading

    When speaking of the natural constitution, Jacob, in the book of Genesis, is the best representative. We generally think that the record of Jacob points out his craftiness. But, actually, the most outstanding characteristic in the entire life of Jacob is his natural endeavoring and scheming. All those who scheme
are inevitably crafty. So also was Jacob. His craftiness was but the superficial expression; his natural constitution was his hidden characteristic. Before Jacob became matured, all his history revealed his natural constitution. He was able, resourceful, full of schemes, and very capable and skillful; he was
truly one who was exceedingly strong in the natural constitution.

    The crisis in his life occurred when God touched the socket of his hip at Penuel. Finally, in Genesis 35, God asked him to go to Bethel and there make an altar to God who had appeared to him when he fled from the face of his brother. From thence Jacob ceased all his scheming, and his natural man fell
before God.

    When Jacob’s natural constitution was thoroughly broken, his life in God attained to a mature and full stage. He was no more Jacob but Israel. He was no more a supplanter (the meaning of Jacob) but a prince of God (the meaning of Israel). As a result, he could bless Pharaoh and command abundant blessings upon his sons before he died.

    The greatest principle in spiritual service is that of man cooperating with God. Although God does all things, yet in all things God needs man to cooperate with Him. It can never be that those who do not know how to do anything and are incapable and unwilling to do anything can be used by God. We often hear brothers and sisters say, “I believe that God can do it,” yet they themselves make no effort to cooperate. This kind of faith is vain. No doubt, God can do it, but it is also necessary that man be able to do it. If man cannot do it, though God can, He will not do it. God must seek those who are able and willing to cooperate with Him. God works as far as man is capable. God works according to the degree of man’s cooperation. Therefore, we must be able and capable and learn to be a useful man in every aspect; then we are fit for His use.

    However, God still cannot use one who is merely naturally capable. Natural capability, unless broken, is a hindrance to God. It must be broken; it must pass through death and be resurrected so that it may be used by God.Natural ability is similar to raw iron which, because it is too hard and brittle,is not suitable for use and is easily broken. Resurrected ability is like wrought steel, firm but malleable, suitable for use and not easily cracked. Therefore, God cannot use one who is incapable; neither can He use one who is capable yet has not been broken. Those who are usable in the hand of God are those who are capable yet whose capability has been broken. If we examine all those who have been used by God throughout the generations, almost all were very capable, rich in soul-power, having foresight and cleverness, while at the same time they were broken by God. (The Experience of Life, pp. 244-245, 247)

Further Reading: Basic Principles concerning the Eldership, chs. 15-16

台長: Joshuachang

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