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第三週 • 週一
WEEK 3 — DAY 1

Morning Nourishment

Eph. 4:13 "Until we all arrive...at a full-grown man, at the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.


15-16 ...We may grow up into Him in all things, who is the Head, Christ,out from whom all the Body, being joined together and being knit together through every joint of the rich supply and through the operation in the measure of each one part, causes the growth of the Body unto the building up of itself in love."

    Thank the Lord that we all have a heart for His recovery and that, at least to some extent, we all mean business with the Lord for His move on this earth. Yet, I have a big question: how much growth in life have you gained?

    Furthermore, many among us still do not function as we should. If we are lacking the growth in life and lacking the proper functioning, how can the Lord’s recovery go on? Eventually we will drift back into the situation of Christianity. Then we will be a repetition of the sad history of Christianity. So, this is a crucial matter! (Perfecting Training, p. 11)

Today's Reading

    In the practice of the church life, the primary thing to be emphasized is life. Sometimes we are asked by others to tell them what is wrong in their place, but we should never do it. If a person is dead, what is the profit to tell him that he is wrong in this matter or that matter? Even if he could realize, he could not change.

    In the Lord’s recovery of the church life in a certain place, there may be a genuine local church. But without the practicality of life, it will be dead. It may be right in every aspect, but it is dead. The dead body in the mortuary was a real person, but it is now a dead person. Thus, the primary thing in the
practicality of the church life is life. We can never be too much for the matter of life. Other things can be over-emphasized, but the matter of life can never be over-emphasized....The most significant thing with life is growth. If there is no growth, it means that either there is no life, or there is something wrong. We need to grow in life.

    If there are some problems among the saints in a local church, the best way to solve the problems is to turn their attention to the matter of feeding, to the matter of growth in life. Medical doctors know that the best medicine is food. If one eats properly and sufficiently, the nourishment from the food will take care of all kinds of disease and weakness. If the saints feed on the Lord Jesus properly, after a certain time all the deadness will be swallowed up by life. Do not ever try to solve a problem by your  maneuvering. In politics that might be fine but not in the church. In the church, the more one plays politics the more he will be deadened. He will first deaden himself and then deaden others. Be honest. Be frank. Be sincere. And never play politics. The only thing that works is the growth in life. Learn to help people grow.

    We realize that today the best thing, the primary thing, the first thing,that we have to take care of in the practicality of the church life is the matter of life. The history of the Lord’s recovery shows that in the past four or five hundred years almost all the teachings have been recovered. Also, the gifts have been recovered to the uttermost and even to the extreme. However, the matter of life has never been adequately recovered. (The Speciality, Generality, and Practicality of the Church Life, pp. 47-49, 45)

    If we desire to have further knowledge of life, we must also know what the growth of life is. There are many brothers and sisters whose hearts’ love toward the Lord cannot be said to lack fervency, and the price they have paid also cannot be considered insufficient, yet because they do not know what the real growth of life is, they have many mistaken views and pursuits; thus, the real growth of life in them is quite limited. How unfortunate this is! Therefore, in order that we may have accurate knowledge and proper pursuit in the path of life, we shall spend a little time to see what the growth of life is. (The Knowledge of Life, p. 175)

Further Reading: Perfecting Training, ch. 1; The Speciality, Generality,and Practicality of the Church Life, ch. 5

台長: Joshuachang

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