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第三週 • 週二
WEEK 3 — DAY 2

Morning Nourishment

Eph. 3:17 "That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith,that you, being rooted and grounded in love."

19 "And to know the knowledge-surpassing love of Christ, that you may be filled unto all the fullness of God."

    The increase of the element of God means that more of God Himself has been mingled with us and received by us to become our element. Therefore, the real growth of life is the increase of God’s life within us. Life is God Himself. When life grows in us, God is increased in us. Life grows and increases to an extent that we may be filled unto all the fullness of God. This is the final word of Ephesians 3:19....Colossians 3:4 says that Christ is our life. Thus, growth of life is the increase of Christ within us. The more we love Christ and pursue Christ, the more the measure of the stature of Christ will increase within us. This is the real growth of life. (Further Talks on the Knowledge of Life, pp. 180-181)

Today's Reading

    Growth of life is the increase of the stature of Christ [within us]. While life is God Himself, God being our life is Christ; therefore, the Bible says that Christ is our life. We can say that when we are regenerated, it is Christ being born again within us to be our life. But when we first receive it, this life is still very young and immature, which means that the stature of Christ within us is very small. When we love Christ, seek Christ, and allow Christ to live in us more and thereby gain us, the stature of Christ gradually increases within us. This is the growth of life.

    Growth of life is the expanding of the ground of the Holy Spirit. We have also mentioned that life not only is God, but it is Christ, and it is also the Holy Spirit. We may say that to experience life is to experience the Holy Spirit; therefore,to grow in life also means to allow the Holy Spirit to gain more ground within us. When we pursue more urgently the working of the Holy Spirit within us and give diligence in obeying the teaching of the Holy Spirit within us as the anointing, the Holy Spirit can then expand His ground extensively; thus, life within us will grow to a great extent. Therefore, the growth of life means also that the ground of the Holy Spirit has expanded within us.

    Growth of life is the decrease of the human element. The above three points reveal that if in a believer the element of God is increased, the stature of Christ is increased, and the ground of the Holy Spirit is expanded, his life then has grown. All these points speak from God’s side. Now we shall speak from our side. Firstly, the growth of life is the decrease of the human element. The decrease of the human element is the decrease of Adam, the old creation, in man, which also means the decrease of the savor of man and
the increase of the savor of God. Some brothers are very enthusiastic, while some sisters are very gentle; in outward appearance they seem to have grown in life, yet they are full of human element, human savor; they cannot cause you to touch the element of God or sense the savor of God. Therefore, if we wish to see whether a brother or sister has grown in life, we cannot simply observe how they behave outwardly, how devout and zealous they are, or how much knowledge, gift, or power they have. Rather, we must discern
whether there is the increase of the element of God within these things, or, on the other hand, still an abundance of human element. The decrease of the human element is the increase of the divine element. If a believer has really grown in life, his speech, actions, living, or working must all impart the sense
that they are not according to himself but according to God; not of his own intelligence but by the grace of God; therefore, they do not carry the savor of man but more the savor of God, which also means that the human element has decreased and the element of God has increased. Thus, the growth of life
is not only the increase of the element of God but also the decrease of the element of man. (The Knowledge of Life, pp. 180-181)

    Further Reading: The Knowledge of Life, ch. 12; Further Talks on the Knowledge of Life, ch. 18

台長: Joshuachang

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