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第三週 • 週六


弗三 18~19『使你們滿有力量,能和眾聖徒一同領畧何爲那闊、長、高、深,並認識基督那超越知識的



    藉着重生,我們有基督作那靈在我們的靈裏。但藉着變化,基督要從我們的靈擴展到我們的心裏。每一個重生的人,都有基督在他的靈裏,但沒有多少人讓基督擴展到他的心裏。因這緣故,保羅禱告,要我們得以加強到裏面的人裏,使基督能安家在我們心裏(弗三16~17)。 我們不僅需要接受基督在我們的靈裏作生命,也需要接受祂在我們的心裏作人位。當基督在我們的靈裏時,祂是我們的生命。然而,當祂擴展到我們心裏,祂也成了我們的人位(以弗所書生命讀經,八一○頁)。






WEEK 3 — DAY 6

Morning Nourishment

Eph. 3:18-19 May be full of strength to apprehend with all the saints what the breadth and
                          length and height and depth are and to know the knowledge-surpassing love of
                          Christ, that you may be filled unto all the fullness of God.

    Because the church is not only the Body with Christ as life but also the new man with Christ as the person, Paul in Ephesians 3:17 emphasizes the importance of Christ making His home in our hearts. Although our spirit is a vessel to contain God, the spirit is not the center of personality. The center of personality is the heart. The various functions of our personality—our mind, emotion, and will—are directly related to our heart, not to our spirit. Because all the functions of personality are concentrated in the heart, it is the place where Christ desires to make His home. Christ as the life-giving Spirit is now in our spirit. However, He wants to spread into our hearts and make His home there. (Life-study of Ephesians, p. 669)

Today's Reading

    Through regeneration we have Christ as the Spirit in our spirit. But through transformation Christ will spread from our spirit into our heart. Every regenerated person has Christ in his spirit, but not many have allowed Christ to spread into their hearts. This is the reason Paul prayed that we would be strengthened into our inner man so that Christ may make His home in our hearts (Eph. 3:16~17).

    We need to take Christ not only as the life in our spirit, but also as the person in our heart. When Christ is in our spirit, He is our life. However, when He spreads into our heart, He also becomes our person. (Life-study of Ephesians, pp. 669-670)

    Eventually, according to Ephesians 3:19, we will be"filled unto all the fullness of God." First, there is the strengthening of the inner man. Second, Christ makes His home in our hearts, occupying our whole being. Third, our whole being is filled unto all the fullness of God. When all the members of the church are such people, we will be full of strength to apprehend the breadth, length, height, and depth (v. 18). This means that we will realize the unlimited, immeasurable dimensions of Christ. (Christ as the Content of the Church and the Church as the Expression of Christ, p. 9)

    Christ makes His home in our heart, we are rooted and grounded in His love, and then we can apprehend with all the saints how broad, how long, how high, and how deep Christ is. Eventually, we can even experience a great love that is knowledge-surpassing. The result, the issue, the coming out of all of this is all the fullness of the processed, consummated Triune God
(Eph. 3:19). The fullness of God is the Body of Christ as the expression of the Triune God to the fullest, to the uttermost. All the fullness of God is the ultimate consummation of the corporate expression of the Triune God, and this ultimate, consummated, corporate expression is the Body of Christ.

    We need to have a church life which is the issue of the enjoyment of Christ's riches and the issue of the unlimited Christ personally making His home in our entire inward being. Then we can have a tranquil church life. Eventually, we will see this fully in the New Jerusalem. We will not quarrel in the New Jerusalem. This is because the New Jerusalem is the ultimate issue
of our enjoyment of Christ and of Christ making His home in our hearts. The Body of Christ is the consummation of the believers' enjoyment of the unsearchable riches of Christ and the consummation of the experience of the unlimited Christ making His home in our hearts. (The Intrinsic View of the Body of Christ, pp. 51-52)

    The content of the church must be the very Christ whom we take as life and as our person. If we take Christ as our person, then as we come together in the meetings Christ will be expressed from our spirit and through our heart. All those who come will sense that Christ is present both as our life and as our person. (Life-study of Ephesians, p. 671)

    Further Reading: Life-study of Ephesians, msg. 80; The Completing Ministry of Paul, chs. 2-4;
                                       The Intrinsic View of the Body of Christ, ch. 3

Hymns,  #499
Oh, what  a life! Oh, what  a peace!
The Christ who's  all within  me  lives.
With  Him  I have been crucified;
This glorious  fact to me He gives.
Now it's no  longer I  that live,
But Christ the Lord within me  lives.

Oh, what  a joy!  Oh, what a rest!
Christ now is being formed in me.
His very nature and  life divine
In my whole being inwrought shall be.
All  that I  am  came  to  an end,
And all  of Christ is  all to  me.

Oh, what a thought!  Oh, what a boast!
Christ shall in me  be  magnified.
In nothing shall  I  be  ashamed,
For He in  all  shall  be  applied.
In woe or  blessing,  death or  life,
Through me shall  Christ be testified.

Oh, what a  prize!  Oh, what a gain!
Christ is the goal toward which I  press.
Nothing I  treasure,  nor aught desire,
But Christ of all-inclusiveness.
My hope, my  glory, and my crown
Is  Christ, the  One  of peerlessness.

Hymns,  #500
Oh, what a might!  Oh, what a strength!
God wrought  to raise Christ from  the  dead.
Far above  all  at His right  hand,
O'er all  to  us  He  is the  Head.
All  this  great pow'r is  to the Church
That  she  o'er all her foes may tread.
Oh, what a fact!  Oh, what a bliss!
That  I  of Christ  a member am.
With  all  the  saints  I blend as one
And  share  the  life  of the  new  man.
Joined  to  our great  ascended  Head,
We'll be the Church of His own plan.
Oh, what  a breadth!  Oh, what a length!
The height, the  depth unsearchable!
Christ the Lord is unlimited,
So  vast, immense, immeas'rable.
All  that He  is  and all He  has
Is now  our life unspeakable.

台長: Joshuachang
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