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第四篇  那靈同我們的靈

讀經:羅八 16,林前六 17

綱  目

週 一
壹    神的靈經過了過程,我們的靈也經過了過程:

一  『那靈』一辭,不是僅僅指神的靈,乃是指終極完成的靈—那經過了成爲肉體、人性生活、釘十字架與
       極完成的靈—約七 39,路二四 26,林前十五 45 下。

二  我 們 的 靈 是 神 所 造 的( 創 二 7, 箴 二 十27);但由於亞當,這靈墮落了,並且死了(弗二

三  我們說『那靈同我們的靈』(16),意思就是說,終極完成的靈是同着信徒那被造、得重生的靈,並

貳    『那靈同我們的靈』(16)乃是神生機救恩的祕訣;這二靈一起作工,就是一切屬靈事物,特別是神

一  生殖的靈在我們被基督所復甦的靈裏,重生我們,賜我們權柄,作神親生的兒女—約三6,一 12 ~
       13,羅八 10。

二  滋養的靈在我們爲基督所顧惜的靈裏,用主話中的靈奶餧養我們,使我們長大以致得救—弗五 29,林
       前三 2、6,彼前二 2 ~ 3。

三  聖別的靈從我們爲基督所奪取的靈裏,用神的性情聖別我們,使我們成聖歸神—弗一 4,五 26 ~
       27,帖前五 23,帖後二 13,羅六19、22,參林後二 12 ~ 14。

四  更新的靈在我們爲基督所內住的靈裏,更新我們,使我們藉着十字架的破碎,穿上新人—弗四 23 ~
      24,多三 5,提後四 22。

五  變化的靈在我們被基督所充滿的靈裏,將我們變化成爲基督榮耀的形像,作祂的彰顯—林後三 18,羅
       十二 2,弗五 18。

六  建造的靈在我們爲基督所據有的靈裏,將我們建造成爲神的家和基督的身體,作祂們的居所—二 21 ~
       22,四 16。

七  成熟的靈在我們由基督使其豐富的靈裏,將我們模成作神眾子模型之神長子基督的形像—羅八 28 ~
       29,腓一 19。

八  印塗的靈在我們因基督而歡騰的靈裏,用神的榮耀將我們滲透,並將我們帶進神的榮耀,使我們得榮
       耀—弗一 13,四 4、30,林後一 22,羅五 2。

週 二

九  以上各步都是『那靈同我們的靈』(八 16)聯結『成爲一靈』(林前六 17)而完成的;若非如此,
      即使神的福音是有大能的(羅一 16),在信徒身上也一無所能、一無所成,無法使他們在生命和性情
       六 18,弗一 9,四 16)。

十  基督能夠活在我們裏面,乃是因着祂成了我們靈裏的那靈;惟有藉着我們靈裏的那靈,保羅完成職事

週 三

叁    在聖經中,有關那靈的啓示是漸進的:

一  關於那靈,頭一次說的是在創造裏神的靈(創一 2);其次是在神與人關係中耶和華的靈(士三 10,
       撒上十 6);而後是有關基督成孕並出生的聖靈(路一 35,太一20);再後是在主爲人生活中耶穌
       的靈(徒十六 7);然後是在主復活中基督的靈(羅八 9);以及耶穌基督的靈(腓一 19)。

週 三 & 週 五

二  耶穌基督的靈,就是約翰七章三十九節所說的『那靈』;這不僅是主成爲肉體前之神的靈,更是主復

1  在出埃及三十章二十三至二十五節,由橄欖油和四種香料調和而成的聖膏油,是這複合之神的靈完滿的

2      腓立比一章十九節不是說耶穌的靈(徒十六7),也不是說基督的靈(羅八 9),乃是說耶穌基督的

a    耶穌的靈主要的是爲着主的人性和爲人生活,基督的靈主要的是爲着主的復活。

b    我們要經歷腓立比二章五至八節所描繪主的人性,就需要耶穌的靈。

c    我們要經歷三章十節所說主復活的大能,就需要基督的靈。

d    使徒保羅在受苦時,經歷了主在人性中的受苦並主的復活;因此,那靈對他乃是耶穌基督的靈,就是

e    對於像使徒那樣經歷並享受基督的爲人生活和復活的人,這樣一位靈有全備的供應,甚至就是全備的

3      至終,這複合的耶穌基督之靈,成了神的七靈,祂是神寶座前的七盞火燈,在地上完成神的行政,使
         神關乎召會的經綸得以成就;祂也是羔羊的七眼,爲要把祂一切的所是傳輸到召會裏面—啓一 4,四
          5,五 6。

肆    『那靈自己同我們的靈見證我們是神的兒女』(羅八 16);『與主聯合的,便是與主成爲一靈』
          (林前六 17):

週 六

一  與主『聯合』成爲一靈,指信徒藉着信入主(約三 15 ~ 16,參提後四 22,林後三17),與祂有生
      機的聯結;這聯結可用枝子與葡萄樹的聯結(約十五 4 ~ 5)說明:1      保羅完成職事的極致,就是

2      照着靈而行並將心思置於靈,就是操練與主成爲一靈—羅八 4、6。

二  那靈如今住在我們重生的靈裏,與我們的靈聯合成爲一靈:

1      我們全人必須轉向這聯結的靈,並將全人置於其上—6 節下。

2  我們也必須照着這聯結的靈生活行動—4節。

3      當我們因此活在這聯結的靈裏,我們就能活出基督的身體,而成爲基督團體的彰顯—弗一 23。

2013 Memorial Day Conference


Message Four

The Spirit with Our Spirit

Scripture Reading:

Rom. 8:16; 1 Cor. 6:17


Day 1

I.  The Spirit of God has passed through a process, and our spirit has also passed through a

A.  The term the Spirit does not merely refer to the Spirit of God but to the consummated
       Spirit—the Spirit who has passed through the  processes  of  incarnation,  human  living, 
       crucifixion,  and resurrection; after Christ was glorified in resurrection, He became the
        life-giving Spirit, who is “the Spirit,” the consummated Spirit—John 7:39; Luke 24:26; 1
        Cor. 15:45b.

B.  Our spirit was created by God (Gen. 2:7; Prov. 20:27), but through Adam  it  became  fallen
       and  deadened  (Eph.  2:1);  however,  our deadened spirit was redeemed by Christ, and
       having been redeemed, it has been quickened, enlivened, by the Spirit, who regenerated us
         (Rom. 8:10).

C.  When we speak of the Spirit with our spirit (v. 16), we mean that the consummated Spirit is
       with and in the believers’ created and regenerated spirit.

II.   “The Spirit…with our spirit” (v. 16) is the secret of God’s organic salvation; these two spirits
        working together are the skillfulness, the secret, of all spiritual things, especially of all the
        aspects of God’s organic salvation:

A.  The generating Spirit in our spirit, quickened by Christ, regenerates us, giving us authority
        to be the children of God, begotten of God—John 3:6; 1:12-13; Rom. 8:10.

B.  The nourishing Spirit in our spirit, cherished by Christ, feeds us with the spiritual milk of the
       Word that we may grow unto salvation—Eph. 5:29; 1 Cor. 3:2, 6; 1 Pet. 2:2-3.

C.     The    sanctifying  Spirit  from  our  spirit, captivated by Christ,  sanctifies  us with the
          nature of God, making us holy unto God—Eph. 1:4; 5:26-27; 1 Thes. 5:23; 2 Thes. 2:13;
          Rom. 6:19, 22; cf. 2 Cor. 2:12-14.

D.  The renewing Spirit in our spirit, indwelt by Christ, renews us that we may put on the new
       man through the breaking of the cross—Eph. 4:23-24; Titus 3:5; 2 Tim. 4:22.

E.   The  transforming  Spirit  in  our  spirit, filled by Christ, transforms us into the glorious
       image of Christ for His expression—2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 12:2; Eph. 5:18.

F.  The building Spirit in our spirit, possessed by Christ, builds us into the house of God and the
       Body of Christ for Their dwelling—2:21-22; 4:16.

G.  The maturing Spirit in our spirit, enriched with Christ, conforms us to the image of  Christ,
      the  firstborn  Son  of  God—the  model  of  God’s  sons—Rom. 8:28-29; Phil. 1:19.

H.  The sealing Spirit in our spirit, exulting with Christ, saturates us with  and  brings  us    into
       the  glory of  God  for  our  glorification—Eph. 1:13; 4:4, 30; 2 Cor. 1:22; Rom. 5:2.

Day 2

I.   The above steps are accomplished by the joining of “the Spirit…with our spirit” (8:16) as “one
      spirit” (1 Cor. 6:17); if this were not so, even though the gospel of God is powerful (Rom.
       1:16), it still would not have any power or accomplish anything in the believers to make
        them God in life and in nature but not in the Godhead for the building up of the Body of
        Christ, which is the Triune God’s eternal heart’s desire and His ultimate purpose (Matt.
        16:18; Eph. 1:9; 4:16).

J.   Christ can live in us by His being the Spirit in our spirit; it is only by the Spirit in our spirit
       that all the crucial points in Paul’s completing ministry become prevailing.

Day 3

III.  The revelation in the Bible concerning the Spirit is progressive:

A.  The Spirit is mentioned first as the Spirit of God, in relation to the creation (Gen. 1:2); then,
       He is mentioned as the Spirit of Jehovah, in the context of God’s relationship with man
        (Judg. 3:10; 1 Sam. 10:6); as the Holy Spirit, in relation to the conception and birth of
         Christ (Luke 1:35; Matt. 1:20); as the Spirit of Jesus, in relation to the Lord’s human living
          (Acts 16:7); as the Spirit of Christ, in relation to the Lord’s resurrection (Rom. 8:9); and as
         the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phil. 1:19).

Day 4 & Day 5

B.  The Spirit of Jesus Christ is “the Spirit” mentioned in John 7:39; this is not merely the Spirit
       of God before the Lord’s incarnation but the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit with divinity, after
        the Lord’s resurrection, compounded with the Lord’s incarnation (humanity), human 
        living    under  the  cross,  crucifixion,  and  resurrection:

1.   The holy anointing ointment in Exodus 30:23-25, a compound of olive oil and four kinds of
       spices, is a full type of the compound Spirit of God, who is now the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

2.   In Philippians 1:19 it is not the Spirit of Jesus (Acts 16:7) or the Spirit of Christ (Rom. 8:9)
        but the Spirit of Jesus Christ:

a.   The Spirit of Jesus is related mainly to the Lord’s humanity and human living; the Spirit of
       Christ is related mainly to the Lord’s resurrection.

b.   To experience the Lord’s humanity, as illustrated in Philippians 2:5-8, we need the Spirit of

c.   To  experience  the  power  of  the  Lord’s  resurrection,  as mentioned in 3:10, we need the
       Spirit of Christ.

d.   In his suffering the apostle Paul experienced both the Lord’s suffering in His humanity and
       the Lord’s resurrection; hence, the Spirit to him was the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the   
        compound, all-inclusive, life-giving Spirit of the Triune God.

e.   Such a Spirit has, and even is, the bountiful supply for a person like the apostle, who was
       experiencing and enjoying Christ in His human living and resurrection.

3.   Eventually, this compound Spirit of Jesus Christ becomes the seven Spirits of God, who are
       the seven lamps of fire before God’s throne to carry out His administration on earth for the
       accomplishing of His economy concerning the church, and who are the seven eyes of the 
       Lamb for the transfusing of all that He is into the church—Rev. 1:4; 4:5; 5:6.

IV.  “The Spirit Himself witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God” (Rom. 8:16); “he
        who is joined to the Lord is one spirit” (1 Cor. 6:17):

Day 6

A.  To be “joined” to the Lord as one spirit refers to the believers’ organic union with the Lord
       through believing into Him (John 3:15-16; cf. 2 Tim. 4:22; 2 Cor. 3:17); this union is
       illustrated by that of the branches with the vine (John 15:4-5):

1.   To practice being one spirit with the Lord is the consummate point of Paul’s completing

2.   To walk according to the spirit and to set our mind on the spirit is to practice being one spirit
       with the Lord—Rom. 8:4, 6.

B.  The Spirit now dwells in our regenerated spirit and is joined to our spirit as one spirit:

1.   We should have our whole being turned to and set on this joined spirit—v. 6b.

2.   We should also live and walk according to this joined spirit—v. 4.

3.   When we thus live in this joined spirit, we can live out the Body of Christ to become the
       corporate expression of Christ—Eph. 1:23.

台長: Joshuachang
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