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腓一 19『因爲我知道,這事藉着你們的祈求,和耶穌基督之靈全備的供應,終必叫我得救。』

   四 6『應當一無罣慮,只要凡事藉着禱告、祈求,帶着感謝,將你們所要的告訴神。』

    信徒這樣變化成爲與主同樣的形像,乃是從主靈,就是基督所變成賜生命的靈,所變化成的。這靈裏包含有全備的供應,作我們新的成分。保羅說,他是憑耶穌基督之靈全備的供應,活基督並顯大基督(腓一 19~21 上)。我們若是憑我們天然的生命活着,就不會有變化,不會顯大基督。但我們有耶穌基督之靈全備的供應在我們裏面;這全備的供應乃是一個成分,進到我們這個人裏面,就在我們裏面起新陳代謝的作用,結果就顯於外面。人就要看見,從我們身上所顯出來的,不是我們自己,乃是基督。我們必須享受耶穌基督之靈全備的供應,讓這靈在我們裏面作工,這就是變化(神救恩生機的一面,五四至五五頁)。



    我們生活中有問題,不必去問別人,因爲我們裏面有靈,並且主就是那靈,在我們靈裏,對我們是何等親近。我們凡事都可以問問祂,…祂就在我們裏面和我們談話。你可以凡事和祂談一談,商量一下。主的話說,『應當一無罣慮,只要凡事藉着禱告、祈求,帶着感謝,將你們所要的告訴神。』(腓四 6)因此,你有難處只要告訴祂,祂就在你裏面,面對面與你同在。父、子、靈三一神在我們裏面,不是麻煩我們,乃是作我們的保惠師、安慰者、扶持者。我常常禱告說,『主阿,我現在要去走路了,求你支持我,維持我,還要加我力量。』這就是喝主。這樣,我就沒有罣慮。罣慮一來了,你就要說,『主啊,這罣慮是你的,不是我的;我交給你了,因爲你替我罣慮。』這樣,你就在裏面得着主的成分,你裏面就會常常起新陳代謝的作用,結果你外面顯出來的就是基督。這就是活基督。不知道這祕訣的人,以爲活基督是很



WEEK 6 — DAY 3

Morning Nourishment

Phil. 1:19 "For I know that for me this will turn out to salvation through your petition and the 
                     bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ."
            4:6 "In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving,
                     let your requests be made known to God."

    It is from the Lord Spirit, that is, from Christ as the life-giving Spirit, that the believers are being transformed into the same image as the Lord. This Spirit contains the bountiful supply to be our new element. Paul said that he lived Christ and magnified Christ by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ (Phil. 1:19-21a). If we live by our natural life, we cannot be transformed and we cannot magnify Christ. The bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ is an element in us. When this bountiful supply comes into us, it begins the inner process of metabolism and issues in an outward manifestation. People will see that what is manifested through us is not ourselves but Christ. We must enjoy the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ and allow Him to work in us. This is transformation. (The Organic Aspect of God's Salvation, p. 54)

Today's Reading

    Suppose you and another brother live together. Every day that brother has morning revival, prays, reads the Bible, and meditates on the Lord's word. After a period of time, you will surely notice some transformation in him. I am usually awake early in the morning at four or five o'clock, and I just muse on the Lord's word. Then the Holy Spirit comes, and the light comes. When I touch Christ as the Spirit, His element comes into me, and it issues in a metabolic function in me. This is similar to the metabolism in our body. After we eat some proper food and receive some proper element into us, the elements of the food become our element through digestion and assimilation so that we look so radiant and so energetic. If you touch the Lord day by day and allow His element to come into you, metabolism will spontaneously transpire in you
so that you may be transformed and eventually be like the Lord.

    When we have problems in our daily life, we do not have to seek advice from others, because we have a spirit in us and the Lord as the Spirit dwelling in our spirit is very near to us. We can ask Him about everything,...for He can talk with us right within us. You can talk with Him and confer with Him in everything. The Lord's Word says,"In nothing be anxious, but in everything,
by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God" (Phil. 4:6). Hence, if you have some problem, you just need to tell Him. He is right within you, and He is with you face to face. The Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—is in us not to trouble us but to be our Paraclete, Comforter, Supporter. I always pray,"O Lord, now I am going to take a walk. Support me, sustain me, and strengthen me." This is to drink the Lord. In this way I have no anxiety. When anxiety comes, you should say,"O Lord, this anxiety is Yours, not mine; I give it to You because You bear it for me." Thus, you receive the Lord's element into you, and metabolism will work constantly in you. Consequently, what is expressed through you outwardly is Christ. This is to live Christ. Those who do not know this secret consider to live Christ a difficult thing. Actually, you just need to practice speaking with the Lord constantly; then spontaneously you will live Christ. (The Organic Aspect of God's Salvation, pp. 54-55)

    We do not need to pray in the way of begging God to do things for us. We should just tell Him what we need; that is, we should let Him know, not keeping anything within ourselves. If we have any worry or anxiety, we should just tell Him. Our letting Him know is our motion toward Him. Then His response is His dispensing, His mingling of Himself with us, even before He answers our request. This mingling of divinity with humanity is the mingling of two entities, the divine entity and the human entity. (The Experience and Growth in Life, p. 94)

    Further Reading: The Organic Aspect of God's Salvation, ch. 4; The Experience and Growth in Life, msg. 15

台長: Joshuachang
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