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第六週 • 週四


太二五 1~4『那時,諸天的國好比十個童女,拿着她們的燈,出去迎接新郎。其中五個是愚拙的,五個是



    在十個童女的比喻裏(太二五 1~13),主耶穌題到燈和器皿。精明的和愚拙的,燈裏都有油(參 8),但只有精明的豫備油在器皿裏。我們需要有兩分油:一分爲着燈,另一分爲着器皿。箴言二十章二十七節說,『人的靈是耶和華的燈。』因此,童女的燈是指靈說的。羅馬九章二十一至二十三節告訴我們,我們是神的器皿。這意思是說,我們的魂是器皿。凡是得救的人,都有油在燈裏;也就是說,我們靈裏都有了那靈。不過,我們的器皿裏有沒有一分額外的油,卻是一個問題。精明的童女豫備油在器皿裏,愚拙的卻不豫備。







WEEK 6 — DAY 4

Morning Nourishment

Matt. 25:1-4 "At that time the kingdom of the heavens will be likened to  ten  virgins,  who  took 
                           their  lamps  and  went  forth  to  meet  the bridegroom. And five of them were
                            foolish and five were prudent. For the foolish, when they took their lamps, did not
                            take oil with them; but the prudent took oil in their vessels with their lamps."

    To be born of the Spirit in our spirit is the beginning. Our spirit has been regenerated, but the soul is still empty. The divine, indwelling Spirit expects to spread into our soul, that is, into our mind, emotion, and will. He wants to saturate our inward parts....For many years I tried to find out what is meant by the growth in life. The Bible does emphasize the need for us to grow in life,
or for the divine life to grow in us. I could not come to a clear understanding of what this meant or how it could come about, even after studying the Bible, reading various spiritual books, and considering my own experiences. Now I realize that the real growth in life is the transformation of the soul. (The Completing Ministry of Paul, pp. 67-68)

Today's Reading

    In the parable of the ten virgins (Matt. 25:1-13), the Lord Jesus speaks of their lamps and their vessels. Both the prudent and the foolish had oil in their lamps (see v. 8), but only the prudent took oil in their vessels. Two portions of oil were needed, one for the lamp and the other for the vessel. Proverbs 20:27 says,"The spirit of man is the lamp of Jehovah." The virgins'
lamps, then, refer to the spirit. Romans 9:21 and 23 tell us that our being is God's vessel. This means that our soul is the vessel. Those who are saved all have oil in the lamp; that is, we have the Spirit in our spirit. Whether we have an extra portion of oil in our vessel, however, is another question. While the prudent virgins took oil in their vessels, the foolish did not.

    Whether we are foolish or prudent, then, depends not on our spirit but upon our soul. Our spirit has been regenerated, but is our soul now saturated with the Spirit? Do we have the extra portion of oil in our vessel? This is a matter we must seriously consider. Now that we have been regenerated, we need to be transformed; that is, we need to grow in life. To grow is to increase. The life abiding in our spirit needs to spread out into our soul until it is saturated. Otherwise, our soul remains natural and old. As the new elements of the divine Spirit enter into our soul, it is organically transformed. This transformation is the growth in life.

    There are many Christians who have virtually no growth in life. This is because the indwelling Spirit has been given no opportunity to spread into their soul and saturate it. (The Completing Ministry of Paul, p. 68)

    At the beginning of our salvation we have the regenerating Spirit and God's life and nature in us, but we do not have the infilling of the Spirit in us. We have oil in our lamps, but we do not have oil prepared in our vessels. We are shining, but the light in us may be going out. We are not mature in life.

    What is the way to mature in life? The way to mature in life is to prepare oil in our vessels, that is, to pursue the infilling of the Spirit....To be filled with the Spirit means that our entire being is occupied by Christ and filled with God. Our thoughts, preferences, views, insight, inclinations, choices, and everything are occupied by Christ and filled with God.

    Although the Spirit is in us, He may be suffering and may not have any ground in us. Can we grow in this way? Can we mature, be made ready, and see the Lord? No, we cannot mature unless we are willing to pursue the infilling of the Spirit, allowing Christ to occupy every part of us and allowing God to fill our entire being. If we do so, then our whole being will be filled with Christ, and we will be mature and full-grown in life. We will be the same as Christ and will have His glorious image. Then we can meet the Lord. (The Way for a Christian to Mature in Life, pp. 82-83)

    Further Reading: The Way for a Christian to Mature in Life, chs. 6-9

台長: Joshuachang
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