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2008-06-03 21:10:16| 人氣117| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Well, today, it was soso

Period 1: Geo
was doing sth abt gangsters in Amazon rainforest i think, cant remember
then we were like doing some stuff on our own. yea

Period 2: Music
We were listening to 2 pieces of music HAHA
not really that interesting
the second one was by Aaron Copland,
that piece was like only 5 mins long =.=
well we were just doing some music appreciation.

Period 3 & 4: Science
well, we were waiting for the teacher, Mr Fowler
then he came in, and got a 跳繩
"what is this used for?" he asked
"Its used for beating Bendrick" I said
He tried it and said "works well :D, who wants to try it?"
Hell lots of ppl raised their hands
Emilie Pang got the chance
but bendrick tried to escape, lol, 沒膽阿你!?
then yea, we worked on our lab experiment

Period 5: English
We were trying out some kind of rebuttal stuff in English yea

Period 6:Chinese
was learning a new poem in chinese... so damn boring...=.=

Period 7:Art
continued on our logo project: E hero, (YEA, BABE!)

Period 8: MAths
we were like doing some stuff on geometry. :D

After school, BASKETBALL YEA!
had some fun, but injured myself, my sister and mum said "你毀容了!!"
when they saw me, kinda hurt, but kevin was like tripped over, 更慘"
got home, and was like doing homework
我好認真man :D

Thats abt it for today :D

台長: 傻逼的昱廷
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