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Fashion Media Group for nine consecutive years topped China

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Fashion Media Group for nine consecutive years topped China 's top 500 brands list fashion fashion f-上班上課查詢

2013-07-02 13:59 Source:

brand value of 2.375 billion into the 2013 year class of the fastest growing media enterprise Fashion Media Group for nine consecutive years topped China's top 500 brands list
June 28, the World Brand Lab in Beijing grand release in 2013 (the ninth), "China's 500 Most Valuable Brands", in this based on financial analysis, consumer behavior and brand strength derived from the three dimensions of evaluation The Chinese strongest brand lineup, Fashion Media Group brand value of 2.375 billion yuan the year ranked No. 428 most valuable brands, becoming only selected fashion media brand. Fashion Media Group Marketing Director Xu Cong attended the event to accept the award on behalf of Fashion Media Group.
In the current "China's 500 Most Valuable Brands" list, there were from food and beverages, textiles and clothing, media, information technology, household appliances, automobiles, energy and other related industries, including 24 brands selected. This is the ninth World Brand Lab released China's 500 Most Valuable Brands, Fashion Media Group is one of China ninth consecutive 500 brands. Among the list, ranked 428 Trends Media Group, representing an increase of 29 ranking, first elected in 2004 when compared with an increase of 40; brand value list from the 600 million yuan for the first time a significant jump to 2375000000 yuan, an average annual growth rate of 18.76 percent, is the current media type on the list 45 companies, the fastest growing media brands.
World Brand Lab Chair Professor Mundell said: "World Brand Lab financial data based on customer loyalty and brand valuation, is also the art of science, as any tangible or intangible assets identified are involved subjective judgment. Brands need stories, culture and history to support. "Fashion Media Group was born in 1993, founded only 19 years, from the time point of view, compared with more than a century long history of many corporate brand, still younger. But from the beginning of a magazine founded beginning, has grown to have 17 high-end journals, covering business journal editors, book planning, network media, advertising, printing, distribution, digital publishing, television production and many other areas of cross- media pluralism Media Group, fashion really influenced a whole generation of Chinese people's way of life. Since forward-looking orientation, excellent media talent and good execution, Trends Media Group's distribution and advertising revenue over the years has maintained rapid growth. In brand building, fashion as early as 10 years ago, the media also presented the concept of the brand, with a complete and systematic manner ongoing brand promotion. In addition to its own platform for magazines, fashion media group also co numerous media partner to creativity as a means to create various forms of cross-border, cross-marketing initiatives and create a number of social welfare as well as the whole industry has a large role in promoting items. For example BAZAAR Charity Night, Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign, fashion ceremony ...... and so on. Achieved through a multi-channel, multi-form products and communication carriers, the profound meaning of the fashion brand and fashion advocated positive, innovative,coach2013夢幻新款目錄, effective transmission of values ​​leading to the public, and to continue to expand, extend.
morphogenesis profound changes in the media today, the fashion will remain committed to enhance the brand value, "the leader of lifestyle, fashion and cultural creators, promoters of the fashion industry," as the goal, the brand extends to the core values ​​of cross-media cross-industry value chain, to create a new fashion media era. Fashion Media Group President Liu Jiang believes, selected China's top 500 brands, it's just fashion a small step on the road to development. "Fashion, do China's media industry Pathfinder, innovators,Fashion Media Group for nine consecutive years topped China 's top 500 brands list fashion fashion f, leaders, Yaodazaochu a distinctive local characteristics and cultural implication China, and integration of the world's most advanced culture media brands. Future, we will frame from Eastern and Western culture, the fashion industry learning exchanges fusion bridge to Chinese readers and the world's most advanced culture and lifestyle synchronization, but also to China's fashion truly become an important symbol on the world stage. "
Attached: World Brand Lab
World Brand Lab (WorldBrand Lab) is an international, professional brand research organization based in New York, from 1999 Nobel Laureate in Economics, "Father of Euro", Columbia University professor Robert Mundell (Robert Mundell) as Chairman,coach2013夢幻新款目錄, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the world's leading strategy consulting firm World Executive Group (icxo. com), experts and consultants from Harvard, Yale, MIT, Oxford, Cambridge and other world-class universities, their research has become a process of mergers and acquisitions of many important basis for evaluation of intangible assets.
World Brand Lab (WorldBrand Lab) is an adherence to the "independent and impartial" principle authoritative brand accrediting bodies, always walk in the forefront of academic research. Meanwhile, the World Brand Lab has a number of specialized economic, financial and mathematical analysis personnel, most of them come from famous universities in Europe and America, with different cultures and backgrounds.

台長: 初秋隨筆
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