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和世足(FIFA World Cup)有關的英文單字,片語,


At the finals, they lost to Germany.

Loftus Versfield Stadium  (南非)托斯運動場



head the ball


referee[͵rɛfəˋri](n) 裁判


The game ended in a draw.比賽以平手結束。

It started raining right after the kickoff of the soccer game.



flag  (n)

1.flag seller

2. wave banners and flags

3.national flag  國旗


The referee gave a penalty.裁判處以罰球。

penalty[ˋpɛn!tɪ]  (n) 犯規的懲罰;罰球


supporter   (n)撐持者

kickoff   (n)【足】開球

the World Cup qualification match  世界盃資曆賽

If you hit the ball with your head, you 'head' the ball.

match  (n)角逐,競賽


head  (v) 用頭頂()


i.e. he is sent off.




1.What is the score now?此刻比數多少?

2.Who is going to score for both sides?誰來為兩邊記分?

3. The winners are those who score the most goals.

4. display the latest scores 顯示最新賽事比數



Our side beat the other in the match.

score  [skor]  (n) (角逐中的)得分,比數 ;(v) (在比賽中)記分;得分


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an official sponsor 官方贊助商


Everyone was in a fever of excitement.所有的人都興奮之極。娛樂城


draw  [drɔ](n) 平局,平局


finals  (n) 決賽

football fan  足球迷

send off      (球員)罰下場



mascot  [ˋmæskət](n)吉祥物

World Cup fever  世足賽狂熱

break the rules 違規



When the referee shows a player the red card, he has to leave the match immediately

tournament  [ˋtɝnəmənt](n) 角逐;錦標賽;聯賽

           (v) (足球等)攻門;射門得分

This Time for Africa!」夏奇拉Waka Waka舞動世足  (含影音)

qualification   (n)資格

  adversary  [ˋædvɚ͵sɛrɪ](n)(比賽中的)對手

penalty area 【足】罰球區

a golden goal  黃金入球,也稱金球(打平後加時賽中第一個進球,進球球隊即博得比賽)


The official 2010 world cup song 2010世足賽歌曲(含影音和英文歌詞)


2. to score by putting the ball into the adversary goal

1.The ball missed the goal by a few inches.球差幾英寸沒進門。


goal   [gol](n)(足球等運動的)球門;守門員;得分數;

fever  (n) 狂熱,高度興奮





a red card     紅牌

coach [kotʃ](n)教練

Both the father and the son are football fans.父子都是足球迷。

The referee shows a yellow card to warn the player not to break the rules again.


national anthem  國歌



heavy security

stadium    運動場,體育場;球場

goalkeeper  [ˋgol͵kipɚ](n) (足球等的)守門員

a yellow card  黃牌

warm-up game  暖身賽

以下內文出自: https://twhinet.pixnet.net/blog/post/31274636-%E5%92%8C%E4%B8%96%E8%B6%B3%28fifa-world-cup%29%E6%9C%娛樂城

台長: manueldva2
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