24h購物| | PChome| 登入
2010-04-01 11:44:06
2010-03-15 23:56:03
2009-11-19 12:51:17


Spring has come again, a brand new morningbut for you and I it's time to say goodbyeSlowly life awaits a new beginningbut for you and I our love has slowly diedThrough the years i know,then i'll get b...

2009-10-09 23:54:09


你是否聽見我心碎的聲音你是否聽見我在你心門外大喊著有多愛你你是否聽見我的眼淚告訴你我有多痛你是否真的了解我的世界你是否真的懂我愛你為你跨越了好多也忍耐了好多變的不像自己了你還是全部推掉 當我無助的時候你...

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