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All about the new condos of 2022

Once you have the first mover advantage after reading about One Bernam Review and the surrounding developments, there is another condominium that is destined to be built in that special area. Prices are expected to increase as costs for labour, land and construction materials continue to rise over time. Developers will most likely increase the exposure at Lentor Modern Showflat for the upcoming condominium. This is a new launch in district 21 of Singapore, and it has already sold more than 70% in just over one weekend at its launch, and buyers continue to snatch up prime units after. Together with the ready-to-move-in housing blocks where Jadescape Sellers get good price, my own residence has been the talk of town since in October 2022, when the launch cleared 200+ units, and the heritage collection was sold in the first day.

台長: kopar123
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