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2013-12-07 08:18:38| 人氣650| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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  Deep in the ocean, dead and cast away 
  汪洋深处 破败倾颓 
  Where innocence's burn in flames 
  清白之名 烈焰焚毁 
  A million mile from home, I'm walking ahead 
  背井离乡 决然前行 
  I'm frozen to the bones, I am... 
  寒风凛冽 冻彻骨髓 
  A soldier on my own, I don't know the way 
  一人之军 跋涉长征 
  I'm riding up the heights of shame 
  前路惘然 耻辱负罪 
  I'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest 
  抚心起誓 苦候召麾 
  I'm ready for the fight, and fate 
  沙场宿命 无惧无畏 
  The sound of iron shocks is stuck in my head, 
  铁刃碰撞 萦绕耳际 
  The thunder of the drums dictates 
  战鼓翻滚 猛若惊雷 
  The rhythm of the falls, the number of dead's 
  忧魂起舞 亡灵枯坠 
  The rising of the horns, ahead 
  前方号角 呜咽破碎 
  From the dawn of time to the end of days 
  时光流逝 由始而终 
  I will have to run, away 
  无奈远逃 碌碌败溃 
  I want to feel the pain and the bitter taste 
  痛楚不再 悔彻心扉 
  Of the blood on my lips, again 
  唇舐鲜血 苦涩滋味 
  This deadly burst of snow is burning my hands 
  飞雪漫天 噬灼手心 
  I'm frozen to the bones, I am 
  寒风凛冽 冻彻骨髓 
  A million mile from home, I'm walking away 
  背井离乡 渐行渐远 
  I can't remind your eyes, your face 
  已然忘却 你的美 
   By Nowhereboy 

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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 歌詞 |
此分類下一篇:歌詞翻譯 - Let Her Go由她去 - Passenger
此分類上一篇:Conquest of Spaces 征服太空

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