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the Yangtze River and Hanjiang Wuhan

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No water, no life, around a large charcoal stove slowly cooked, town is so!Therefore, since ancient times, the city in accordance with many water and build, Seine River in Paris, Rome in the Tiber River, the Yangtze River and Hanjiang Wuhan, is true!But the real city in water in the midst of interdependence and integration as a whole, but rare, have the whole world in view, Italy is also Venice!Recover the vision, focus on China, Wuzhen is also a case,{nike2012熱賣鞋款}!Construction of the rigid and soft environment, constitute a city with harmony, and form, cliffide flower, it has many beautiful element.
If regard Venice as an atmosphere of elegant woman!Wuzhen water is a gentle shy missha.In Wuzhen, those old buildings along the River Street bridge is built, connected, walking in a deep old streets, near the layered cornices, elegant and delicate carved beams and painted rafters, the spread in the walls of the tiger, standing in the Wu Peng boat with oars sound through Street River, touch the dawn sunset, boat in the sea, in the middle painting, probably is so!In such a poetic realm ear or eye smoked, going out those who commit innumerable murders warmongers, through the time tunnel, out of Wuzhen is China's earliest poems compiling Prince Liang Zhaoming, China's first town records by Shen Ping, famous bibliophile Bao Tingbo,{nike2012熱賣鞋款}, late Qing Hanlin Yan Chen, Xia Tongshan, someone statistics, history from Wuzhen had gone out of the 64 scholars, 161 may.
In modern times, Shen Zemin, such as Mao Dun, Yan Yan Chen Duhe, hole Lingjing, cultural celebrities also from here.The vast sky is cruel history brilliant culture celebrity, make be in ecstasies over!It is they gave "the same town, not the same as Wuzhen" the most cultural interpretation.
Which star Wordenka van Sina travel brand and unique organization "Worden card Sina hot blog culture tour" across Wuzhen in appropriate small drift, also got the chance to zero distance to touch the total in Wuzhen in my dream!Open Wuzhen is divided into East and west gate gate two, east gate of the original ancient Aboriginal life, picture here shows, although worn - but it is so original sense!So with people we first walked into the East gate.
The building was built in water, plain old small drift, a deep breath, and then into the painting.Many people are very crowded.I also sinks into the stream of people, into... A, the street streets was, by a different band together.
Ancestor square Jixian square the air scoops up the window frame basket elegant workshop in poetic couplet and clothes the fence that East Lane 319 on the optimistic open-minded aunt that window that ear supporting the broken column the cornice that walking in the streets of the old lane two, three,{nike2012熱賣鞋款}, four, those bridges the river river.

台長: 玉顏輕嘆
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