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2022-07-07 00:12:55| 人氣41| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

牽狼當嚮導 西班牙狂野健行團「與狼共遊」漫步山林

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西班牙南部阿梅里亞省(Almeria)山林風光美不勝收,47歲當地人卡里洛(Miguel Ángel González Carrillo)決定讓在地旅遊體驗更上一層樓,他讓每位遊客帶著他豢養的狼群,漫步山地,體驗「野性的呼喚」。卡里洛表示,溫馴的狼受民眾喜愛,常有人把他攔下來要拍照;參團遊客也表示體驗獨一無二,遠離電腦與網路,感受大自然的魅力。三隻狼在主人從小調教,猶如家中寵物,卻比狗狗更能適應環境原始山林。

4.8M HF Antenna and 7.5mm Spring Short Antenna Base

Model No: MV-0130M02A-48-BS75

Antenna Length: 5.1 - 5.2m
Antenna Section Weight: 2Kg
Antenna Base Weight: 2.4 Kg

The family of the HF wideband mobile antennas FT-4 are composed of the antenna sections and the antenna bases suitable for various configurations and antenna heights. The antennas are intended for mobile work with the HF radios.

The antenna sections are all 120 (4’) cm long and are made of the strong pultruded composite tube (fiberglass) with male and female joints at both ends. Antenna sections are mounted on the antenna base type Antenna FT-4 (up to 4 sections) made of composite materials and with a biconical SS spring enabling bending of the antenna with the rope horizontally for NVIS applications. The antenna sections are packed in a canvas bag for transportation and storage.

天線 卡里洛表示,原先女兒考慮養一條狗,但開玩笑說崎嶇的山路似乎更適合養狼;恰巧有飼養員正出售一匹純正的小灰狼,13年後的現在,加上後代已有3匹狼。卡里洛希望民眾不要懼怕狼,也期待狼能夠為該地帶來新定義,因此發起「與狼共遊」的旅行方式;有時狼群會因為野豬等氣味焦躁不安,但身為狼群領袖的卡里洛也會有辦法安撫,繼續前進,讓民眾獲得永生難忘的體驗。軍用天線 喇叭天線

文章出自: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E7%89%BD%E7%8B%BC%E7%95%B6%E5%9A%AE%E5%B0%8E-%E8%A5%BF%E7%8F%AD%E7%89%99%

台長: fullerrv2
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